WOW!!! There seems to be a lot of "judging" going on.
This I find quite amusing as if one reads the various threads on this wonderful forum there are all sorts of activities pursued for all sorts of reasons...though with a link back to flying all travel.
To me we all have different goals...but no-ones goal is better or more worthy than another persons (mind you I wish when I was at Uni that I had QF009 current lifestyle

). We are just different.
Yes I have no shame to adimt that I am an avid Point Runner.
On this forum people do mileage runs, staus runs, only stay at certain hotel chains etc etc etc...
Some choose particular airline or hotel programs.
Some just mildly make the most of what comes their way...others go to quite some lengths.
It all depends on what one values....and what one desires to do to achieve.
With this current Points Run.... it is like many others for me. I am very mercenary and the Point Running in itself does not give pleasure. But the points I gain give me great pleasure in achieving my travel goals which is to fly my family of 5 on international holidays.
I only aquire points when for me the $$$ stack up and it is profitable for to do so.
Cost for benefit.
And the cost also includes my time.
So with the current points run I use my time very efficiently.
Yes I might drivea few minutes at lunchtime to buy a coffee. But the key here is that you do not only go to geta coffee. I might all in the one trip geta tx at each of JB Hifi, DSE, Coles, BP and the coffee at the cafe. That is 5 tx in the one lunchbreak.
The coffee taken on the footpath to laze in the sun and read the Fin Review or Age as I take a break.
Now to me that is a well spent lunchtime. For others not.
With the current points run I very much view it as part-time job
Amex have set the rules...and just as with any FF program or Hotel Program...or even the ATO and my task is to maximise the advantage for myself.
The offer is extremely generous and I view it as a once in my lifetime opportunity which I never expect to get again. so I am making the most of it this time around.
I have calculated how much time I will spend shopping and the points I expect to earn. For me it is a wonderful exchange even though I basically hate shopping. But the points I gain for me make the drudgery more than worthwhile. Mind you while I do not like the actual shopping I do enjoy refining my strategies to maximise my tx rate.
Mind you in the Points Run I have refined things as I have gone along to maximumise my earn rate.
This to me is quite appropriate for what was originally titled an
Earnpoints promo...for earning points is definately what I am doing.