DM seems have reduced some of the member offer including some of the under wraps wines by a few dollars.
I have found a few to be good value - merits Merlot has dropped further to less than $24. Previously around $37, RRP around 59
it was actually $27.23 before being increased to $37 or so
other Merite wines available at Dan's include:
- Merite/Ruckus The Q Merlot 2015 $18.90 - JH95, AG92, CM(WF)/SL91, PE90, HH86
- Merite Shiraz Malbec 2016 $13.19 - CM(WF)/JH/SL93, AG92
now $28.67

unfortunately free delivery is no longer possible at Dan's unless one still has ShipSmart, which itself is not currently available for new sign-ups