Visa application fee Or visa credit card?Has anyone tried paying for an Australian Visa lately using Paypal (+/- Postbillpay)?
I have a $19K payment to make next week.
I was hoping to give my Business Accelerator a last hurrah but don't want to end up with 0.5/$ as opposed to 2
Are you sure you want toVisa Application Fee
Making the mother-in-law a resident![]()
Visa Application Fee
Making the mother-in-law a resident![]()
Can you do a small payment first to test and then the rest once you see the PPD you receiveHas anyone tried paying for an Australian Visa lately using Paypal (+/- Postbillpay)?
I have a $19K payment to make next week.
I was hoping to give my Business Accelerator a last hurrah but don't want to end up with 0.5/$ as opposed to 2
If they accept PayPal directly or via post bill pay it will come up as 2ppdVisa Application Fee
Making the mother-in-law a resident![]()
Has anyone tried paying for an Australian Visa lately using Paypal (+/- Postbillpay)?
I have a $19K payment to make next week.
I was hoping to give my Business Accelerator a last hurrah but don't want to end up with 0.5/$ as opposed to 2
Not for a direct payment but maybe for PostBillpay. Good thought-thanksC
Can you do a small payment first to test and then the rest once you see the PPD you receive
Thanks mate. I was looking through my statement from last year and i seem to have only gotten 0.5 points for my medibank premium payments. But I didn’t really have a breakdown of it. So could have been 0.5 points elsewhere. Will give it another crack.
it was still double as of a month ago,post deval.. is this still an issue?
i just paid sydney water via paypal direct on their website and got the full 2.25 point earn.
I paid in late Jan and no such issuesI just tried paying for NRMA insurance through paypal and i keep only being able to pay via my bank accounts linked to paypal, not via my default method which is my amex or even select any of the other credit cards. Is NRMA now restricting paypal payments to only bank accounts?
I think the goal posts have been moved since then.....I paid in late Jan and no such issues