How odd that a cabbie should drop off a passenger at arrivals! And how strange that the cabbies waiting in line for arriving passengers would allow him to accept a fare. There would certainly be outrage and repercussions if any cabbie tried that in Canberra.
Possibly you picked up a cab at the departures area? Against the rules, cheating an honest driver doing the right thing on the arrivals rank out of the fare he had waited for.
As a cabbie, I always avoided passengers who tried to beat the system. Queue-jumpers, or those who wanted to cram an extra passenger in, or who wanted to go "off the meter". If they bend the rules in one thing, they may have the same attitude towards paying the fare, preferring to run off down a laneway at the end of the trip.
No thanks. That sort of culture of breaking the rules spreads and pretty soon you have cabbies who take their revenge and it all becomes a vicious circle.
You are of course correct, I went to the departures area.

I was very tired yesterday after my flights from New York.
The problem I face is that if I go by the rules and wait in line then the driver who waited in line gets a short fare he doesn't want and I end up with a mouthful of abuse or at best sullen behaviour and attempts to take the long route home.
The situation is bad, indeed virtually intolerable for me (and others who live near the airport) regardless of what I do.
Re the run off, given I had luggage in the boot that wasn't going to happen but I accept you make a valid point.
The taxi industry is rife with bad behaviour from useless owners and drivers. Some of the owners in particular see their plate as being there to make them money rather than provide a service to the public.
As for drivers who cannot speak English to take directions from the customer, use a GPS or even wash occasionally well it is time to take taxis off the road and financially punish the owner who allowed them in the drivers' seat. This is the only way that improvements will be implemented.
If a restaurant was dirty then the health department closes it down. The same principle should be used for taxis. If the driver, who actually represents the owner, misbehaves, then the owner should also be penalised.
As for CabCharge, well this is a cartel that rips off the public in a way that an allegedly dishonest politician from the left side of politics doesn't even come close to.
As has been demonstrated in, for example Bangkok, when there is viable competition in the form of a train system is implemented then taxi drivers have to shape up to convince the passengers that a taxi is worth taking.