The AFF Scavenger Hunt II [*NOW ENDED*]

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Dec 30, 2006
LT Silver
Star Alliance
The game has now ended - thanks for playing!

After the surprising success of the first scavenger hunt, I've been silently egged on to do it here it is!

A new list, which I will say was very hard to put together. I needed to balance as much as I could between interesting items and travel/airline/hotel/food/drink stuff, and I don't think I still got the balance right. But I hope that this list will be challenging (or maybe less so than the first game).

There are 50 items to be found altogether in this list. The rules are slightly different, and there is a scoring system this time around! The scoring system will be given in a separate post, as will the list. I am endeavouring to keep this thread updated weekly, because the game actually does rely on how long the competition goes for. (I'll be relying on the AFF Mods' graciousness to allow me to PM them to update the headline posts of this thread! ;))

The Rules
  • To find an item, simply take a photograph of it, upload it then post it back into this thread with the relevant detail required. (If you do not have a space to upload it, I can upload it to my FT Galleries space, just PM me).
  • What you need to post for a find (apart from the photo of the found item)
    • The name and item number of the item you found
    • Where you found it (at least city and country)
    • Date of the find
    • Any other descriptor as you see fit
  • Finds can only be photos that are dated 14/06/2010 or later. No previous photos are allowed. No stock photos are allowed. No photos or images borrowed from airline websites are allowed. No manufactured/synthesised photos. No conjuring the photo on your computer and then taking a photo of the computer screen. Essentially, it has to be a photo you have taken in your travels or daily life. A photo belongs to exactly one find (you can't use a photo for more than one find).
  • The only synthesis/modification allowed with photos is scrubbing out personal details or where it is required by law.
  • The first claim of a find (by post or PM timestamp) reported and approved by me will be credited. Subsequent claims will not be credited. I will be the ultimate judge of whether a find is successful or not. (Your participation in this game accepts this condition! :))

How many items can one member find? (new rules compared to last game)
  • In week one of the competition, a single member may find up to 3 items.
  • Every two weeks that the game continues, the maximum number of finds for each member is increased by one. So in week three, the maximum will be increased to 4; in week five, the maximum is increased to 5, and so on.
  • This thread will be updated to show the maximum number of finds allowed per member for the week.
  • A special fame list will be maintained of members who consistently hit the find cap.

New twist (besides the scoring system)
  • If a week of the game progresses without a single find, a random item will be removed from the list. (Note that this works on the weeks of the game, not just any period of 7 days).
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Scoring System

The game has now ended - thanks for playing!

There is a score associated with the game this time! How does the scoring system work?
  • The score starts at 100 points
  • Points are awarded for finding items:
    • 5 points for an item found by a member who has not found an item before (i.e. their first find)
    • 3 points for an item found by a member who has exactly one find (i.e. their second find)
    • 1 point for any other find (the idea with this system is to encourage a range of AFF members to find items)
  • If an item is removed from the list due to nothing being found in a week, 10 points are deducted from the score
  • For every fortnight that the game continues, 4 points are deducted.
  • The score is updated every week.

A week of the game is a Monday to Sunday period (first week starts on 14/06/2010).

Everyone understand? Good! Let the game begin! (and if you don't understand, just find items and you'll pick up the rest)
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The List, The Score, Fame Lists

The game has now ended - thanks for playing!
Final statistics are given below

The List:!:

Found items are highlighted in blue, with post number with the find shown in the square brackets. Purged items are highlighted in red.
  1. Boarding pass showing the origin as a London airport except LHR [11]
  2. A cheese plate containing exactly three pieces of cheese (each piece is a different type of cheese), quince paste and three crackers/lavosh - exactly the contents stated and nothing else [92]
  3. Piece of Rimowa luggage [57]
  4. Staybridge Suites (show the premises/hotel, not just the sign) [90]
  5. A gate FID showing the flight at that gate departing between 0001h and 0030h local time [135]
  6. Airstairs parked in position against an aircraft [44]
  7. Safety instruction card for an Airbus A320-200 [109]
  8. Non-Travelex foreign exchange service located airside of an airport [31]
  9. An Aeroflot aircraft (a real one, not a model) [purged in Week 13]
  10. Speed limit sign where the number is in (i.e. should be read as) miles per hour [14]
  11. Pancake-making machine (a frying pan or a whisk in a bowl does not count! If you don't know what one of these are, you won't find it!) [94]
  12. Camomile tea bag in a hotel mini-bar [59]
  13. Aircraft registration that contains numbers, and the sum of the single digits is greater than 13 [54]
  14. Molton Brown body wash [116]
  15. W sign of a SPG W hotel [74]
  16. A cooked Hawaiian pizza (for those not in the know, that's ham and pineapple) [73]
  17. Bottle of Noilly Prat [4]
  18. Train which is going to the airport (excluding in Australia) [80]
  19. Slice of Black Forest cake [58]
  20. Plane of a flag carrier of an African nation (the real thing, not a model!) [129]
  21. Flower in a flower holder found in an aircraft bathroom [138]
  22. iPad with web browser open showing the V Australia home page [20]
  23. Maraschino cherry [140]
  24. Boarding pass printed from a Virgin Blue check-in kiosk [130]
  25. Airbus A340 (any series is fine, again a real one, not a model) [47]
  26. A real person assuming the brace position in an aircraft (the person does not need to be a member of AFF) [67]
  27. Hotel bed with at least seven pillows on top of it [30]
  28. At least three soccer (association football) balls (i.e. in the same shot) [14]
  29. Sign showing the Skyteam logo [40]
  30. A fifth freedom flight [47]
  31. Metal knife on board (part of cutlery set supplied by airline) [44]
  32. Entrance to the JL Sakura Lounge [66]
  33. Hilton Diamond membership card (with tier good to 03/2011 or later) [29]
  34. Bottle of Piper Heidsieck [20]
  35. Four pints of Guinness (two shots required - one before (filled) and one after (empty)) [106 & 107]
  36. Bottle of wine which comes from Austria [11]
  37. An elite membership tag for a non-Qantas oneworld Emerald [14]
  38. Question on a non-Australian immigration card asking if you are carrying more than a certain amount of cash on you [4]
  39. Piece of bone chinaware shown as being made by Noritake other than that belonging to Qantas [85]
  40. Sign for "Passport Control" or "Immigration" in a language other than English [61]
  41. Dedicated First Class check-in area of a Star Alliance airline (i.e. not just a check-in desk cordoned off for First Class with a rug and rope) [83]
  42. Gate 42 [purged in Week 8]
  43. Stairs to the upper deck of an aircraft [69]
  44. An ottoman/buddy seat in an aircraft [47]
  45. First class on-board amenity kit [53]
  46. Can of Dr Pepper [14]
  47. Airline menu showing a dish that contains new potatoes [purged in Week 12]
  48. A FID showing a flight going to HND (it is acceptable to have the FID just saying "Tokyo" if you can justify that the flight shown is scheduled to go to HND) [purged in Week 11]
  49. Blank sheet of paper with airline letterhead / markings [36]
  50. Sign for row 50 on an aircraft [78]

:!: End of Game
  • The AFF Scavenger Hunt II lasted 13 weeks, concluding on 12/09/2010.
  • 46 out of 50 originally listed items were found. 4 items were purged.
  • The final score was 162 points.
  • Members were initially capped at 3 finds per member, which increased by 1 every fortnight of the game. The final cap was 9 finds.
[B][U]Date   Description                          Change  Points[/U][/B]
14JUN  Opening Points                                  100
14JUN  Find - notzac (1st) - #17            +    5     105
14JUN  Find - notzac (2nd) - #38            +    3     108
15JUN  Find - nlagelle (1st) - #36          +    5     113
15JUN  Find - nlagelle (2nd) - #1           +    3     116
15JUN  Find - Mal (1st) - #10               +    5     121
15JUN  Find - Mal (2nd) - #28               +    3     124
15JUN  Find - Mal (>2nd) - #46              +    1     125
15JUN  Find - samh004 (1st) - #37           +    5     130
15JUN  Find - YQY (1st) - #22               +    5     135
15JUN  Find - YQY (2nd) - #34               +    3     138
15JUN  Find - meloz (1st) - #33             +    5     143
15JUN  Find - oz_mark (1st) - #27           +    5     148
15JUN  Find - dajop (1st) - #8              +    5     153
16JUN  Find - samh004 (2nd) - #49           +    3     156
20JUN  Find - samh004 (>2nd) - #29          +    1     157
20JUN  Find - Bundy Bear (1st) - #6         +    5     162
20JUN  Find - Bundy Bear (2nd) - #31        +    3     165
21JUN  Find - edison (1st) - #25            +    5     170
21JUN  Find - edison (2nd) - #44            +    3     173
21JUN  Find - edison (>2nd) - #30           +    1     174
21JUN  Find - meloz (2nd) - #45             +    3     177
21JUN  Find - Bundy Bear (>2nd) - #13       +    1     178
24JUN  Find - Fantic125 (1st) - #3          +    5     183
24JUN  Find - Fantic125 (2nd) - #19         +    3     186
25JUN  Find - k_sheep (1st) - #12           +    5     191
25JUN  Find - k_sheep (2nd) - #40           +    3     194
26JUN  Find - Fantic125 (>2nd) - #32        +    1     195
26JUN  Find - meloz (>2nd) - #26            +    1     196
28JUN  Time Attrition Penalty               -    4     192
28JUN  Find - Fantic125 (>2nd) - #43        +    1     193
28JUN  Find - Must...Fly! (1st) - #16       +    5     198
28JUN  Find - Mal (>2nd) - #15              +    1     199
01JUL  Find - Sickeningthud (1st) - #50     +    5     204
05JUL  Find - samh004 (>2nd) - #18          +    1     205
06JUL  Find - Sickeningthud (2nd) - #41     +    3     208
12JUL  Time Attrition Penalty               -    4     204
12JUL  Find - Fantic125 (>2nd) - #39        +    1     205
12JUL  Find - Mal (>2nd) - #4               +    1     206
14JUL  Find - samh004 (>2nd) - #2           +    1     207
15JUL  Find - nlagelle (>2nd) - #11         +    1     208
24JUL  Find - Bundy Bear (>2nd) - #7        +    1     209
26JUL  Time Attrition Penalty               -    4     205
26JUL  Find - samh004 (>2nd) - #35          +    1     206
26JUL  Find - Fantic125 (>2nd) - #14        +    1     207
28JUL  Find - Sickeningthud (>2nd) - #20    +    1     208
29JUL  Find - Bundy Bear (>2nd) - #24       +    1     209
08AUG  Time Attrition Penalty               -    4     205
08AUG  Purged - #42                         -   10     195
09AUG  Find - Fantic125 (>2nd) - #5         +    1     196
16AUG  Find - meloz (>2nd) - #21            +    1     197
16AUG  Find - dajop (2nd) - #23             +    3     200
22AUG  Time Attrition Penalty               -    4     196
29AUG  Purged - #48                         -   10     186
05SEP  Purged - #47                         -   10     176
05SEP  Time Attrition Penalty               -    4     172
12SEP  Purged - #9                          -   10     162

:D Finds per AFF Member
[B][U]Handle            Count  Items                            [/U][/B]
Bundy Bear            5  6  7  13 24 31
dajop                 2  8  23
edison                3  25 30 44
Fantic125             7  3  5  14 19 32 39 43
k_sheep               2  12 40
Mal                   5  4  10 15 28 46
Must...Fly!           1  16
meloz                 4  21 26 33 45
nlagelle              3  1  11 36
notzac                2  17 38
oz_mark               1  27
samh004               6  2  18 29 35 37 49
Sickeningthud         3  20 41 50
YQY                   2  22 34

Sleuthing Statistics

  • Member with the most finds: Fantic125 with 7 finds.
  • Members who found 3 or more finds:
    • Fantic125 - 7 finds
    • samh004 - 6 finds
    • Bundy Bear - 5 finds
    • Mal - 5 finds
    • meloz - 4 finds
    • edison - 3 finds
    • nlagelle - 3 finds
    • Sickeningthud - 3 finds
  • 14 members of AFF participated in the game, giving an average find rate of 3.29 finds per member.

:mrgreen: Cap Breaker Hall of Fame - for those members who have consistently hit the find cap fortnight after fortnight
Cap breakers for each fortnight are awarded different badges. The badges are:
  • Weeks 1 & 2 (3 cap): Canberra
  • Weeks 3 & 4 (4 cap): Melbourne
  • Weeks 5 & 6 (5 cap): Sydney
  • Weeks 7 & 8 (6 cap): Brisbane
  • Weeks 9 & 10 (7 cap): Perth
  • Weeks 11 & 12 (8 cap): Adelaide
  • Week 13 (9 cap): Hobart
[B][U]Handle            Badges                                  [/U][/B]
Bundy Bear        [color=Red][b]CBR[/b][/color]
edison            [color=Red][b]CBR[/b][/color]
Fantic125         [color=Red][b]CBR[/b][/color] [color=Green][b]MEL[/b][/color] [color=Blue][b]SYD[/b][/color] [color=Purple][b]BNE[/b][/color] [color=Orange][b]PER[/b][/color]
Mal               [color=Red][b]CBR[/b][/color] [color=Green][b]MEL[/b][/color] [color=Blue][b]SYD[/b][/color]
meloz             [color=Red][b]CBR[/b][/color]
samh004           [color=Red][b]CBR[/b][/color] [color=Green][b]MEL[/b][/color] [color=Blue][b]SYD[/b][/color] [color=Purple][b]BNE[/b][/color]

:( The Purgatory - the items which have been forfeited due to no diligence by AFF
  • 9. An Aeroflot aircraft (a real one, not a model)
  • 42. Gate 42
  • 47. Airline menu showing a dish that contains new potatoes
  • 48. A FID showing a flight going to HND (it is acceptable to have the FID just saying "Tokyo" if you can justify that the flight shown is scheduled to go to HND)
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Some low hanging fruit (stuff I have at home)..:

17. Bottle of Noilly Prat

38. Question on a non-Australian immigration card asking if you are carrying more than a certain amount of cash on you

Find! (items 17, 38)

Some low hanging fruit (stuff I have at home)..:

17. Bottle of Noilly Prat

38. Question on a non-Australian immigration card asking if you are carrying more than a certain amount of cash on you


Tick and tick here! Well done, notzac, first points on the board!

Next time I'm at your place, you're making the Vespers!
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Re: The List, The Score, Fame Lists

  1. Pancake-making machine (a frying pan or a whisk in a bowl does not count! If you don't know what one of these are, you won't find it

Mmm, Banana pancakes. A trip to Penang is in order. :p
I misread the non-Australia immigration card cash thing...have a NZ one sitting on my desk right next to me, lol!
Re: The List, The Score, Fame Lists

Can I claim my recent Marriott rant was the inspiration for the seven pillows photo ;)

Mmm, Banana pancakes. A trip to Penang is in order. :p
Easier to go to SYD T1 QF J lounge for Breakfast. Cheap JQ flight to OOL...
36: Bottle of wine which comes from Austria
(I knew this bottle would come in handy one day - i also have a bottle of Red too!!)

Boarding pass showing the origin as a London airport except LHR (Ok it's an old one, but it didn't give a date for the pass and the pic was taken today:mrgreen:)



  • 15062010140.jpg
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Find! (items 36, 1)

36: Bottle of wine which comes from Austria
(I knew this bottle would come in handy one day - i also have a bottle of Red too!!)

Boarding pass showing the origin as a London airport except LHR (Ok it's an old one, but it didn't give a date for the pass and the pic was taken today:mrgreen:)


Both fine! Good stuff, nlagelle!
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Here's my three:

#10 - Speed limit sign where the number is in (i.e. should be read as) miles per hour.
Photo taken in London, 14 June 2010

#28 - At least three soccer (association football) balls (i.e. in the same shot)
Photo taken in London, 14 June 2010


#46 - Can of Dr Pepper
Photo taken in London, 14 June 2010



  • drpepper.JPG
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  • 5miles.JPG
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  • balls.JPG
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I would like to start with:

#37 An elite membership tag for a non-Qantas oneworld Emerald
Photo taken on the Gold Coast, Tuesday 15th June 2010.

Re: The List, The Score, Fame Lists

Just a clarification - is a gate with the pier ID (letter) permitted - eg Gate F42? Or strictly must be Gate 42?

It must say "42" and nothing else. Sorry! :)
Find! (items 10, 28, 46)

Here's my three:

#10 - Speed limit sign where the number is in (i.e. should be read as) miles per hour.
Photo taken in London, 14 June 2010

#28 - At least three soccer (association football) balls (i.e. in the same shot)
Photo taken in London, 14 June 2010


#46 - Can of Dr Pepper
Photo taken in London, 14 June 2010


Well done Mal! That's three more from the list, and you're the first cap breaker!

So no more from you, until at least a bit under a fortnight.
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Find! (item 37)

I would like to start with:

#37 An elite membership tag for a non-Qantas oneworld Emerald
Photo taken on the Gold Coast, Tuesday 15th June 2010.

Aaah yes, CX Diamond. That's fine - and found!

samh004, you're on the score board.

There's going to be quite an update after week 1....

With many items being found, I'll have to ask people to please check the thread carefully before posting a find, just in case what you're looking for has been found. A find will be confirmed in one of my posts that contains what item number was found.

The list will be updated at least weekly in order to show you what has been found and by who, but it may happen that something will be found but
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The easy stuff

22. iPad with web browser open showing the V Australia home page


34. Bottle of Piper Heidsieck

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