10,000 bonus points per 20 transactions

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I think we need a new thread once the bonuses start posting as I am sick of click on view last page and scrolling down rather than going to the last post in the thread...

Easily fixed..

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i am trying to find the mileage rewards web page related to this promotion that says something like "change how you pay, not what you spend." the page described how by changing how you paid (not increasing the amount of money you spend on your purchases) you could earn more miles. i remember seeing it referred to in this thread but despite searching for over an hour i cannot locate it.

can anyone point me to the link?
Having followed this thread in detail from the very start, it seems to me that people posting in this thread have finally been beaten into submission by American Express. Am I wrong?

Here is the evidence for my tentative conclusion:

1) Several posts implying (and in at least one occasion explicitly stating) that the poster will accept whichever of the promos that Amex determines they should be on;

2) At least one comment (and others that appear to be the same in spirit) that the poster will now happily accept any bonus that Amex grants them;

3) Apparently unanimous acceptance that Amex has the right to remove people from multiple promotions without providing oral or written notice (notwithstanding that several [most?] multiple sign-ups have been POCed);

4) Evidence of people self-limiting themselves to transactions that they think Amex will approve of, despite the very wide net cast by the original term 'transaction' and even the more recent qualification of 'everyday'; and

5) No one yet challenging this logic.



You are right… people posts “SOUNDS” like they have accepted Amex terms

In my opinion Amex put us in a position where we can’t do much. Their key T&C clause “10 weeks waiting period” gave them a clear and unfair way-out. Most people don’t want to do anything right now, because they believe Amex will do the right thing at the end. However, Amex in the last few weeks has done nothing but Recover points, Cap new and existing customers and rewrite their T&C to make them more like trap.

Using terms such as “… Cardmembers acted in a way that was not in the spirit of the Promotion”. without explaining what is the SPIRIT of the promo is a clear example of a TRAP. Another example is: “ …. as long as your transactions are for legitimate everyday spend*.” Most people think that all transactions not declined by Amex are legitimate. So, now they have at least two ways to decline your points.

At the moment:

The pre-20th s who has not been approached or capped by Amex has no way to complain, because nothing wrong has been done to them…………………. YET

The pre-20th s who: 1) have been capped, 2) had points removed, or 3) have been changed from their selected promo (not those in multiple promos) they have a reason to take matters as far as they think it is necessary. That would give a clear indication of what is coming for everyone else.

I don’t trust Amex. As I said before they have done nothing but recover points and cap people after the 27th sep. I think that during the next 10 weeks they will plan how to do the same or similar for the pre-20th

Most people are quiet and accepting....... hoping that Amex will look after them. In my opinion: with banks, doctors and lawyers you must go by the signed/accepted agreement. Do not accept changes to your enrollment unless you are absolutely sure you want to wave your rights. Remember that a simple YES / NO on a legally recorder conversation can see you loosing your rights over something.
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i am trying to find the mileage rewards web page related to this promotion that says something like "change how you pay, not what you spend." the page described how by changing how you paid (not increasing the amount of money you spend on your purchases) you could earn more miles. i remember seeing it referred to in this thread but despite searching for over an hour i cannot locate it.

can anyone point me to the link?

Try this:
American Express Australia - Membership Rewards - Earn Bonus Points

Don't change the way you spend, just the way you pay
You don't have to increase your spending to earn Membership Rewards points. Just use the American Express Card for your daily purchases instead of cash, cheques or another card. That way you'll maximise your points - and your rewards.
lovetravellingoz, you beat me to posting it...however I seem to recall there also being a "spash" ad on the main page, but I can't find it anywhere. Perhaps it was pulled, or it goes in rotation....
I think we need a new thread once the bonuses start posting as I am sick of clicking on view last page and scrolling down rather than going to the last post in the thread...
If you start from this page - http://www.frequentflyer.com.au/community/search.php?do=getnew

Then click on the little downward arrow
before the thread title, you will be taken straight to the first unread post in the thread. no need to scroll or guess the last page you have read.
You continually put a smile on my face,THANKS :lol:.
Well, I thought I'd get one from this other comment:
Lindsay wilson said:
Look, a Phantom moderator :D:cool:
Moderators usually don't make people smile - or receive thanks - so as I've had both today (from you and another member), my day is full :D (but my life not yet complete :o)

I read with mirth over on the Amex/BP thread:

paul4471 said:
Apparently there is a glitch in the system that is posting some members BP bonus points immediately and other not till the stated "8 weeks" after window. They are apparently correcting this and future payments are unlikely to see the bonus until after the 8 weeks.
That is just another stuff-up by Amex - some getting points and others not.

Getting Amex postcard promo: no charge
Registering for one (or multiple) promo's: one phone call + internet time
Having the promo T&C's change, not sure when points are going to post: priceless!!
That is just another stuff-up by Amex - some getting points and others not.

Getting Amex postcard promo: no charge
Registering for one (or multiple) promo's: one phone call + internet time
Having the promo T&C's change, not sure when points are going to post: priceless!!

You have done it again!!!:lol:
Having followed this thread in detail from the very start, it seems to me that people posting in this thread have finally been beaten into submission by American Express. Am I wrong?

Here is the evidence for my tentative conclusion:

1) Several posts implying (and in at least one occasion explicitly stating) that the poster will accept whichever of the promos that Amex determines they should be on;

2) At least one comment (and others that appear to be the same in spirit) that the poster will now happily accept any bonus that Amex grants them;

3) Apparently unanimous acceptance that Amex has the right to remove people from multiple promotions without providing oral or written notice (notwithstanding that several [most?] multiple sign-ups have been POCed);

4) Evidence of people self-limiting themselves to transactions that they think Amex will approve of, despite the very wide net cast by the original term 'transaction' and even the more recent qualification of 'everyday'; and

5) No one yet challenging this logic.


Beaten into submission, hardly...

No one yet challenging this logic? (I suggest you read back about 10-20 pages).

I registered as per the offer I recieved, I have since been provided in writing from Amex that I am capped, even though they have records of attempted registrations on the 19th & 20th, then finally having it go through on the 21st.

As per what I consider to be correct complaint protocol, I spoke to someone at Amex, nothing came of that, I then wrote to them with supporting evidence (screenshots, copy of mailout, names and times of people spoken to at Amex when registering, etc), again nothing except confirmation that the points are capped.

It was then referred to the ACCC who have now escalated things to the ABSO for investigation and potential prosecution as retrospective changes to a contract (i.e. T&C) is illegal, both at a state level (NSW where I reside) and under federal law.

I would say this challenges just sitting back and doing nothing....
good for you file51, I have no doubt you will win for all the reasons previously discussed.

Good luck !
good for you file51, I have no doubt you will win for all the reasons previously discussed.

Good luck !

Thanks, now it is just a waiting game.

It was also interesting to hear from the chap at ACCC that they have recieved hundreds of complaints re this promotion, so who knows what may come of things.

I certainly wouldnt want to be part of the Amex think tank who came out with the almost non-existent T&C from the outset
It was also interesting to hear from the chap at ACCC that they have recieved hundreds of complaints re this promotion, so who knows what may come of things.

That's bad news for Amex. The ACCC tends to take a passive view of a lot of things, unless they get a large number of complaints. Once an issue appears on their radar though, then they do really look into it. General consensus seems to be that Amex have overstepped several boundaries with this promotion.
file51, you have followed the standard operatign procedures for most of Complaint Resolution Schemes with which I am familar, so given the amount of facts that you have at your disposal, I'm sure that the ACCC will look dimly on the way in which Amex has treated you and others in your position. I'm with you all the way.

Had my best day in the promo yesterday - 7 transactions posted, so hit 40 for the month to date. I even had a couple that wouldn't accept Amex, so I had to throw Visa a bone :mrgreen:.
My Citibank VISA is at its least usage since I gained it.

I always use AMEX where I can normally, so the difference now is I have swapped to busineses that take Amex....unless I have not choice but to use the Citibank.
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Had my best day in the promo yesterday - 7 transactions posted, so hit 40 for the month to date. I even had a couple that wouldn't accept Amex, so I had to throw Visa a bone :mrgreen:.

I think we are up past the 80 mark now, which is a bit above the norm as my partner has been using the card for shopping now.

I had to use the visa today as my partner bought a bike and they didn't take Amex, which was a real pain, but i used the amex as the guy there was really good and I felt bad walking out!

BTW I am still waiting for the phone call back from one of the managers in MR, I was promised a week ago a 24 hour response.. Will call on Monday again.
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