Been away a few weeks waiting for the 8-10 weeks to pass.
Most of the recent posts have been from pre 20 Sept enrollees, both invited and uninvited.
In my case, I was not invited, I enrolled once, post 20 Sept, in the 5/5 promo (MYREWARD).
I have received only one lot of bonus 5,000 points back in September. Have not received any bonus points to date.
I also have not POC'd any points.
I received today 15 Dec from Amex (Hello Corinna), a letter dated 2 Dec telling me that I am now in the 5/10 MYBONUS offer because I was not extended an invitation for the original 5/5 promo.
I am now not sure if I should consider this letter as sent to me in error.
Am I being presumptious? I am a little reluctant to call MR as I am wary of being given misinformation, and wasting my time. I am a Plat Credit holder.
Should I just wait and see what happens in March 09?
Like everyone else (I guess), I find the uncertainty is annoying.
Sorry to all the regular posters if my situation is too ordinary or banal

Anyone out there in the same position as me?