28° Mastercard Cash Advances while overseas [No more free cash advances from 1/1/14]

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Re: 28 Degrees card exchange rate?

So for my mum she got the card and loaded $2,500.00 over two week period . Today she withdraw $150 from the ATM to check the card works and gets a balance of $1,850.00 only instead of $2,350.00 does anyone know what happened there ?

She was going to call but I suggested not to yet . Her balance online days $2,350.00 . So I'm worried this means the $150 she withdraw came from the $2,000 limit she has which is Their money and not from the $2,500.00 she deposited and therefore will be paying interest/fees on that money .

If so its a big problem when we o/s every time she takes cash out its from their balance and not hers .
Re: 28 Degrees card exchange rate?

So for my mum she got the card and loaded $2,500.00 over two week period . Today she withdraw $150 from the ATM to check the card works and gets a balance of $1,850.00 only instead of $2,350.00 does anyone know what happened there ?
Cash withdrawal limit is the card limit, regardless of credit amount. It's telling her she can withdraw another $1850, but her actual balance will be $2350.
So it's not eating into their money but her money which is fee and interest free is that right ? So it would seems best when making purchases overseas to use the credit card and not pay In cash .

Thanks for your help .
So it would seems best when making purchases overseas to use the credit card and not pay In cash .
The extra $500 credit will help keep the card in credit across card purchases and cash withdrawals. I think the cash limit may be a daily limit, but perhaps others can confirm.
Re: How to use 28 Degrees Cr Card to withdraw cash overseas

Hi Ehc, based on my experience in Canada, the Bank of Montreal doesn't charge ATM withdrawal fees for 28 degrees cards. CIBC charges $2, not sure about the others though I presume a similar amount.
I've received quite a few emails over the past few days advising me my statement is ready. Has anyone else noticed this?
28° [Wizard] Mastercard Cash Advances while overseas

Just one for me perhaps four days ago. Their website was down for scheduled maintenance last Friday. Who would do scheduled maintenance on a Friday!!! So they probably "fixed" it and as a result multiple emails. Which means more maintenance today.
Am about to head to China - any recent experiences from Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing for cash advance withdrawals using 28 Degrees from ATMs? Or is the Mastercard network less common in China?
Am about to head to China - any recent experiences from Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing for cash advance withdrawals using 28 Degrees from ATMs? Or is the Mastercard network less common in China?

Absolutely no problems with 28 degrees withdrawals in Shanghai or Beijing. I have used a dozen or so different banks to withdraw cash from - the only difference is the upper limit per withdrawal - some limit it at RMB2000, some at 2500, and some at 3000. If you need more, you can complete one transaction, leave your card in the machine, then do another one straight away.

I haven't been to Nanjing so I can't say - but I have no reason to believe it will be any different to the other cities.

Dynamic currency conversion is common in China. You are supposed to get the choice whether to opt in or opt out. Quite often in a restaurant or hotel you won't be given the choice - so you have to both ask for billing in RMB and watch carefully to make sure you are billed in RMB not AUD (the dynamic conversion rate is very bad up to 10% difference!)

For cash withdrawals on 28 degrees the rate is generally pretty spot on with the current interbank rates stated on xe.com.
Thanks MEL_Traveller for sharing your experience, and your tip on watching out for dynamic currency conversion. Do you usually go to the international banks (eg Citibank) or are local ATMs okay too with cash advance withdrawals?

I'll report back on how I go in Nanjing!
Thanks MEL_Traveller for sharing your experience, and your tip on watching out for dynamic currency conversion. Do you usually go to the international banks (eg Citibank) or are local ATMs okay too with cash advance withdrawals?

I'll report back on how I go in Nanjing!

Any bank ATM is fine. And there are tons of them - almost every major street corner with have some bank or rather (there are workers banks, agricultural banks, development banks, banks named after just about several major cities (Shanghai Bank, Beijing Bank - you get the picture)). Most of them will give you a message saying you may be charged a fee by your handling bank... just click 'yes' or 'ok' - i've never had a fee come through in hundreds of transactions over four years.

Worth noting many banks will have two ATM looking machines - one of them however may be for 'general banking' (account info, deposits etc) and the other one a true ATM. So just look for the little 'ATM' sign above the booth (many have lockable doors)
I will be receiving a refund of several thousands of dollars onto the card due to cancelled Business flights. Any easy way to get this money? Guess I'll have to go to Westpac Branch?
I will be receiving a refund of several thousands of dollars onto the card due to cancelled Business flights. Any easy way to get this money? Guess I'll have to go to Westpac Branch?

maybe a few days of Westpac ATM?
Am about to head to China - any recent experiences from Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing for cash advance withdrawals using 28 Degrees from ATMs? Or is the Mastercard network less common in China?
Holly you will not have a problem with the 28 Deg card in any Chinese city - I was in Tianjin, BJ, SH, Suzhou, Wuxi and Najing 2 weeks ago - not a hiccup - never is.

Correction: Beijing Sun Feb 3 which was basically last non-working day before Chinese New Year so therefore busiest shopping day of the year almost EVERY ATM in Beijing was totally devoid of cash - no cash left to dispense - eventually had to get hotel to advance me cash against CC - beautiful - they just added it to final accom bill and at 3.33 KF pts / $ on Select it was a beautiful thing.
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