Well I cruised quietly passed the 28,000 mark without any fuss. 3 flights later I was seated comfortably in 1K and a pilot Captain who was paxing sat next to me. For a brief moment I had a vision of Bingham's experience but that very quickly passed when he told me what he thought of management hehe...!
You say in your OP it's a waste....why?
A waste in the sense that there are no benefits beyond 14,000... but I would add that I have spent between 600 to 1,000 hours on a plane each year in recent years. Think about that - it is about a month of each year on board a plane (flying time only). Add to that the hours and hours in airports, sitting on the tarmac, transit, transport to and from airports, packing bags, sitting on the phone with the travel agent changing flights, etc. etc. It's not a holiday.
Someone traveling that much for business is not sight seeing and taking in local culture . its business
Spot on. I must say I have had some unique experiences, but mostly its groundhog day.
Jobu and paginjoan - Well done on crossing that milestone!
I sense your frustration with a lack of anything past 14K - i.e. the lack of LTP. Out of interest is this level of travel going to continue for the foreseeable future? If so I would be taking a long hard look at your FFP loyalty to QF. You have LTG so why not credit to AA for example - based on hitting P1 you will easily hit EXP and wil find awards a lot cheaper.
It's something I have been meaning to look at for a long time. Dave Noble gave me a similar suggestion ages ago and answered alot of my questions, but I haven't taken the plunge.
Totally amazing. Congrats. I'm hoping that it wasn't in Y or Y+
Thanks FF. Thankfully only part of it was.
I was about to post regarding having proudly reached LTG today and my plans from now on. Then I read this thread. Now I am feeling inadequate and suffering from Status Credit Envy. Consoling myself with "it isn't the amount that counts, its how you use them".
Congratulations on reaching LTG - it's a great milestone - we now both have QC lounge access for life. I think I envy you more
Bahahaha! Here I was excited that I'd reached Silver for the 2nd time in 3 years. Not LTS, just regular old silver! I'm still happy with my achievement but 28,000 SC seems like an alternative universe! Well done OP.
Thanks Natalie! I was there once... I remember hitting silver for the first time, I was so impressed with myself and could not imagine how much travel those that had gold or platinum must do, and LTS was just some ridiculous milestone that I paid no attention to. Now I know it all too well