Excellent, thanks for the reviews!I have tasted a couple of the Champagne selection from wine direct. I also buy quite a bit and am rarely disappointed. I received a bottle of the Bernard Remy Carte Blanche as part of a mixed dozen reds with the Champagne included and it was delightful. I'm more of a red drinker, but have on more than one occasion been in a position to have a glass of Champagne and have found the Moet & Chandon and Veuve very average so was skeptical at a label I had never heard of in Bernard Remy, but was leagues ahead of both the Dan Murphy's stocked Champagne.
As for the Le Mesnil, I tried a bottle as a celebration at a restaurant in Adelaide and payed around $150 for a bottle of the 2007 Prestige Grand Cru. It was hands down a fantastic expreience. I am eager to try the rest and I'm sure I can track some down from my Wine Direct broker!