AFF Member Stock Discussion

I am a little different to most as I have a large investment in mining stocks. I have been investing in them for about 45 years. I was taught by a fellow who owned a penny dreadful gold exploration company. He became a good friend and not just because I bought shares at 3 cents and sold for an average $1.50. He taught me how to assess such companies.
Basically you aim for 1 in 10 to be successful. My current position is +49%.

But I have noticed the obvious signs of a Green campaign taking shape against miners. Literally hundreds of buyers of 1 share in quite a few miners. I am keeping clear of those companies.
Have mentioned those one share buyers to Mrscove. What the hell are these folks doing? We have never bought one share in anything.

Today i heard that CBA has 40% of their fixed interest rate residential mortgage loans falling due for renewal in 2023. Now that could get a bit messy.
OK QANTAS and Medibank could do with a bit of roughing up this year. The Medibank leak of data is looking very serious.
I had thought 2022 would be an easy year but with flooding rains, a diving Australian dollar and freight companies acting like cowboys it has been more difficult than that. Looks like I will miss many AGMs as flights at short notice are priced at outrageous levels rather than reasonable points use.
Seems you're missing out on a signficiant thing here. I own 1 share in more than 100 different ASX listed businesses for very good reasons. Think SPP.
Most are pro-rata based on the number of shares owned at the record date. If you own a single share your entitlement will generally be small wouldn't it?
Most are pro-rata based on the number of shares owned at the record date.

No. Most SPP are not pro-rata (although the frequency of this has been increasing lately). 30K per share holding is the common limit.

More than 100K profit for me using this method in the last 3 years.

I should add, that I'm not the only one to have worked out this lucrative lurk: What is SPP Harvester? - OnMarket Although I will claim that I got onto this more than a decade ago. It has been extremely lucrative for me.
Well I must have been unlucky with my few SPPs over the last three years or so. All except one were allocated on a proportional basis (1:7 for the most recent).

Though only one of them was ASX200, and it was the $30k retail shareholder limit.

Still a good tip @Dr Ralph 👍
Have you done this recently with Self Wealth? Came across them, but found this. Will look into Bendigo - thank you!
Buying 1 share is problematic in my experience. But leaving one share behind will work. You'll not I referenced 'keep' in the previous message.
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Seems you're missing out on a signficiant thing here. I own 1 share in more than 100 different ASX listed businesses for very good reasons. Think SPP.
This is very interesting. I had never thought about doing this before. How do you pick your shares which you think may do a SPP in the future? Do you just buy $500 worth of shares on Selfwealth and then sell all of the shares less 1?
This is very interesting. I had never thought about doing this before. How do you pick your shares which you think may do a SPP in the future? Do you just buy $500 worth of shares on Selfwealth and then sell all of the shares less 1?
Mayne used to maintain a list. Not sure if that's still being done. It was titled something like 'the world's biggest smallest share holder'
Mayne used to maintain a list. Not sure if that's still being done. It was titled something like 'the world's biggest smallest share holder'
I see. I couldn’t find it from a quick Google search but guess it is something that would be subscription based? I see there is also a SPP Harvester company/service who buys 1 share each in the top 300 ASX companies for you. But I would think the fees may make it not worthwhile. Would most of the companies that you had had success with in the last 10 years been in the ASX300 or they were smaller companies?
I see. I couldn’t find it from a quick Google search but guess it is something that would be subscription based? I see there is also a SPP Harvester company/service who buys 1 share each in the top 300 ASX companies for you. But I would think the fees may make it not worthwhile. Would most of the companies that you had had success with in the last 10 years been in the ASX300 or they were smaller companies?
The Mayne list was definitely not subscriber based. Here is the URL I used to use: Not found It appears that the list has not been continued. But you can see a reference to the 'biggest smallest portfolio I was referring to here: The Mayne Report: remembering GFC capital raising deluge and what a contrast with Transurban! as well as how Mayne benefited enormously from SPP's.

ASX 100 companies mostly. Banks in particular have been very lucrative.

I looked at the SPP Harvester offer but couldn't justify the fees. Easier to go it alone for me.
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Thanks. It seems banks are good for capital raisings and SPP when the economy is in strife (after the GFC and during the early stages of the pandemic).

Do you know if Stake allow you to sell your shares less 1 (ie. keeping 1 share)? They have an offer for 10 free trades per month for a year (with additional trades at $3).
Thanks. It seems banks are good for capital raisings and SPP when the economy is in strife (after the GFC and during the early stages of the pandemic).

Do you know if Stake allow you to sell your shares less 1 (ie. keeping 1 share)? They have an offer for 10 free trades per month for a year (with additional trades at $3).
I haven't used Stake.