I married a Smith.....did they come from Scotland eons ago?
I married a Smith.....did they come from Scotland eons ago?
What? More good news from Cove, the master of this!I too am with esuperfund for my SMSF and I never realised I could do this. I got a tax bill from them for my super contributions last year and I just paid it out of the SMSF ANZ account as they said to do in their communications to me. Specifically, the wording was this "To the extent that the 2014 Annual Return results in a payment please ensure you pay the required amount to the ATO from your SMSF bank account before the due date specified in the Income Tax Notification". Bolding was done by them.
How do you do it, do you just pay the SMSF tax bill on your personal credit card, then just transfer cash from the SMSF ANZ account to the credit card to cover it? And esuperfund is ok with this?
I'm very interested in this because I just made a 30k contribution for this year, and if I can pay the 15% tax on that on one of my ATO-earning cards, that would soften the blow![]()
As long as the path is clear you can pay however and reimburse yourself from your superfund acct. whenever within that same tax year.
Two different auditors have had no issues with this.
The concept of flying The Residence on a Coles MC is appealing. Interstingly the card seems to have no forex fees. Not bad for $89 annual fee now the points can be converted to something more interesting than before
Thanks for the update on Qantas Credit Union Jacques.
With BankWest Platinum it probably still works to a limit of 200,000 points capping. I heard that new cards were earning less but that does not seem to apply to the card Mrscove holds. The new year is sometime in August for her card so a test will be the best idea. She has had the card for at least 3 lots of 200,000 and maybe 4 lots.
Her HSBC card is still the full deal as it missed the downgrade so it can go 300,000 points.
Just did last 120k with CBA
Was good for the years it lasted
Just covered my F Apartment to LHR next Tuesday on EY for final of RWC