I am glad the credit card companies have stopped offering the Rewards Points on money transfers like payments to the ATO, these transactions are not a "purchase". I also had long hoped that the ATO would tax the guts out of these schemes but unfortunately they seemed to decide that would have been too difficult. It wouldn't have been that hard for them to do, they only needed to look at their own records and see who pays tax by credit card, and audit the big ones.Having something run for a decade....well that is living the dream.....
I am sure when Rewards programs were first implemented, none of them considered the impact of some cardholders earning millions of points way above and beyond what even the affluent could possibly spend on goods and services with a credit card. If the credit card companies and/or airlines were still making money out of this, they wouldn't have stopped it. Now the schemes have been watered down quite a lot, and that would be for many reasons. I am sure the abuse of the Tax payment perk was one of them, and thats stuffed it up for all of us.