Well, after a couple of months of card "optimisation" (new cards, limit increases, arranging to make some prepayments, etc) I've managed to put just shy of $380,000 of tax through CCs in the past few days. Pretty happy with that given all I managed the last time end-of-quarter tax bills arrived was around $100,000, simply due to not having sufficient capacity / CC limits.
The point of this post isn't to brag though - rather, I wanted to share some calculations I did which serve to demonstrate just how cheap earning points through tax payments actually is, after you take into account CC surcharge tax deductibility and the benefits of holding onto the money for an extra 30-55 days (YMMV depending on the cards used and their billing cycles):
As I said above, I've put around $380k of tax through CCs in the past few days. About $125k of that was on Amex, and $255k on Visa/MC, so the total raw surcharges added up to ~$2,785.
The $2,785 raw cost is then reduced by:
- tax savings due to deductibility of surcharges
- mortgage interest savings by holding onto about $210k of the $380k for ~30 extra days (average across all cards) - no interest saving on the other $170k as it was pre-paid onto one of the cards (cycling money through the card) to enable more tax to be paid via CC.
After taking into account the above "savings" the $2,785 "raw cost" is reduced to only ~$250! In return for which I've earned:
- ~430k CitiRewards points redeemable for ~286k KrisFlyer miles, ~286k Velocity points or ~215k AsiaMiles
- ~66k CitiRewards points redeemable for ~66k QFF points, ~44k KrisFlyer miles or ~44k Velocity points
- ~103k Amex Membership Rewards points redeemable into lots of programs at 1:1
- ~55k QFF points
Translating that into "base currencies" of QFF points and KF miles you could say that's roughly 121,000 QFF points and 389,000 KF miles for $245 :!::shock:
The even more startling thing I calculated was that if you paid the above tax bills through only Visa/MC and could hold the full amount for an additional ~30 days in a mortgage offset account (i.e. no prepayments / card cycling) you would
gain somewhere in the region of $1,000 in return for all those points.
Anyway, hope these calculations are interesting / useful - it's easy to forget how much of a different the tax deductions / benefits of holding onto your money longer can make to the already-low cost of "buying" points through tax payments on CC.