ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

Paid duty on 4.5 boxes of wine when I came back from Cape Town wine regions recently.

Used Westpac Altitude black, but statement doesn't details if points were rewarded on that transaction only total points for month

if you log in to your Altutude Account, you will be able to see your points statement with the amount of points/bonus points for every transaction
OK it is raining a lot in Sydney so there has been time to stay dry and think about strategy. Two of our CCs are shrinking the points earn on June 20 so the thought of prepaying a chunk came into my warped mind. Is anyone else thinking this?
One is going from a point a dollar and the other is going from 0.75 to 0.5 points per dollar on their MCs.
Your thoughts would be appreciated seeing there is now about 13 clear days to go.
OK it is raining a lot in Sydney so there has been time to stay dry and think about strategy. Two of our CCs are shrinking the points earn on June 20 so the thought of prepaying a chunk came into my warped mind. Is anyone else thinking this?
One is going from a point a dollar and the other is going from 0.75 to 0.5 points per dollar on their MCs.
Your thoughts would be appreciated seeing there is now about 13 clear days to go.
Would have thought you'd be the last person to need advice on ATO, Cove!

I've nothing worth paying, but yes if I had I'd be considering, in fact probably doing this.
I have ATO bills way too often burmans. Feels like I am keeping Australia running for a few micro seconds every month. Paying on a CC is really just a game.
I'm pretty late to this game but currently paying a few tens of thousand microseconds per quarter to the ATO, just joined amex plat charge and 0.5 / $ is OK I guess but?

help appreciated.
Well grounded you might well benefit by getting other cards that pay better points per dollar. There are some mentioned if you go back about 5 pages.Points costing 2.9 cents each is a NO for many of us so most direct Amex cards are pretty useless for paying ATO.
I'll be prepaying some Cove.. With my Bankwest card, it's the only one I have left that pays for ATO and I'm not looking forward to the value change.
Thanks for that Salem.....I have already paid an approximation of the June taxes and I had come to the idea of why stop there. Now to the mirth of Mrscove one of my CCs did not work at our local Sydney restaurant last night and when I looked it up this morning it is thousands in credit. There were some serious outages yesterday due to the weather being a drop or two wetter than normal so Vivid was pretty much washed out as well. I think I might do an ATO payment today on this card to get rid of the credit balance.
I ended up paying the restaurant on Amex Ultimate as well as two gift cards seeing they wanted a 1.5% CC surcharge.
I don't plan to call the CC company because I did not have to wash the dishes at the restaurant.
Need to pay around $100,000 to the ATO soon, am I right in thinking that the Jetstar platinum will be the best option for me? $149 AF and 100k points cap (can I transfer $100,000 onto that card to do a large payment, or do I need to do chunk payments). Also it still possible to tax deduct the CC fees? Read the last few pages to try and not ask to many stupid questions...
Well tencentpiece welcome to AFF!
Yes the Jetstar card is capped at 100,000 points.
i do tend to do instalments but when I had a tax bill with 2 commas in it I paid it in only two goes.
Tax deductibility is a question usually asked of your tax agent and I relinquished my registration a while ago. Naturally getting between zero up to 49% for the fee tax deductibility can become important and yes it can be deductible if you read the ATO guidelines on this subject. $569 for 100,000 points looks pretty good. Sign up for credit cards can work as well.
Having problems with my Qudos Bank (ex Qantas Credit Union) Visa Platinum - apparently there is a cap of $15K daily so I'm paying my ATO bill in installments but the charges don't clear overnight and show as "pending" in my account. I haven't been able to pay anything more since Saturday...plenty of money in the CC account but all transactions get declined! I rang the bank and they are not quite sure what to do, basically saying "just wait"

Has anyone with this card ever had similar issues?
Had the card declined at a restaurant last night so I put an ATO amount on it today. There were some outages last night due to weather so that may have affected Qudos yesterday. Seems to work best during normal weekdays. I used Amex to pay for dinner. My Qudos only likes $10,000 a week day even though I have a $25,000 limit.
Had the card declined at a restaurant last night so I put an ATO amount on it today. There were some outages last night due to weather so that may have affected Qudos yesterday. Seems to work best during normal weekdays. I used Amex to pay for dinner. My Qudos only likes $10,000 a week day even though I have a $25,000 limit.

you're probably right...I tried $14.5K on Saturday and it went through no problem but since then nothing's going through. Very frustrating
you're probably right...I tried $14.5K on Saturday and it went through no problem but since then nothing's going through. Very frustrating

My 'dinner' from woolworths was declined on Qudos CC last night. I'd say there are some systems issues at the moment.
I decided to get going on the following ATO month because of the reward changes on two of our BW CCs. Just moving past $100,000 tonight of advance amount and I have to wait for a reload.
Just in case you spoil it for someone else? Take one for the team even if you have issues/concerns?

Yes that's right. Generally call center operatives are not very knowledgeable at the best of times so you usually won't get the right answers.
Don't want to make it worse by inadvertently breaking something that's working.
We have a knowledgeable, experienced community on AFF which works together. You'll usually get the right answer on here.
Well I did an early reload of my CCs tonight thanks to a 2.30 am fire alarm in a 9 story building. 10 of us came out of the apartment building the rest ignored it. The rest were correct that it was a false alarm.
Well I did an early reload of my CCs tonight thanks to a 2.30 am fire alarm in a 9 story building. 10 of us came out of the apartment building the rest ignored it. The rest were correct that it was a false alarm.

We have the same stuff happening in Melbourne
FYI : Amplify Signature Card St George. VISA 0.42% Happy days!

Did a test, points posted.

[TABLE="class: basic-table view_statement TableWidth100, width: 668"]
[TH="class: date"]Date[/TH]
[TH="class: description"]Description[/TH]
[TH="class: spend-title, align: right"]Spend($)[/TH]
[TH="class: earn-title, align: right"]Earn Rate[/TH]
[TH="class: base-title, align: right"]Points[/TH]
[TH="class: bonus-title, align: right"]Bonus Points[/TH]
[TR="class: odd view_statement_row, bgcolor: #F6F6F6"]
[TD="class: date-value"]05/06/16[/TD]
[TD="class: description-value"]ATO PAYMENT SYDNEY AU[/TD]
[TD="class: spend-value, align: right"]50.00[/TD]
[TD="class: earn-rate, align: right"]1.50[/TD]
[TD="class: base-value, align: right"]75.00[/TD]
[TD="class: bonus-value, align: right"]0.00[/TD]
[TR="class: even view_statement_row"]