I have a sneaking suspicion/ hypothesis that they lied so the guy could get back to Melbourne,
Well if mhen's timeline is correct

He flew back Sunday night.
From the below
infectious attendee was asymptomatic. .....though
Unbeknownst to the 30 guests at the party.
So if asymptomatic we assume that he was either directed to get tested, or they acted on one of the calls to get tested on Sunday. Perhaps the latter as there seems to be nothing indicating that he was a Westfield close contact. So they may or may not have mentioned that to their Saturday hosts on the Sunday. Plus we do not know when Sunday they may have been directed/decided to get tested.
Unbeknownst to the 30 guests at the party, one of the attendees worked at Bondi Westfield and was carrying the virus.
All are now isolating and have been tested.
Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said the infectious attendee was asymptomatic.
“We got to this group very quickly,” she said.
“And that meant that they were basically infectious in the community for one day, probably, given that it takes about 24 hours to incubate.”
She said having 10 people test positive in such a short period of time (on Tuesday to 8pm) was concerning but said nobody was at fault.
So on balance may not have been aware when he flew. But yes by Tuesday probably should have been aware.
perhaps they were not quite across the border closures (at that point in time) being LGA focussed or something and panicked and lied to NSW Health about the attendees thinking no one would find out... anyway all speculation just seems a bit strange.
It’s either that or a contact tracing fail.
Let’s hope they haven’t lied about an Uncle from Brisbane or an Aunt from Cairns attending as well!
Or about any of their close contacts post-party. They were being commended for all doing the right thing, which some or all obviously were not.