You have a lot to add to the discussion but I find it hard to see past the anti-Govt rhetoric at times.
It is similar to the anti-QF stuff in its persistence.
I am against misleading information or false information being put out by people, companies or Govts. Too many companies manage to mislead & see many who cannot afford to lose their money - do just that. The PR image works until it doesn't.
QF is a 'favourite' true enough IMHO due to the privilieged position they appear to have & ability to wreck havoc on their work force, Australian travelling public & Australian taxpayer seemingly with impunity. Started years ago when I was asked to come speak with someone worried about his money a couple of days after the October 1987 crash. He made some good decisions subsequently that saw his nest egg grow over the next few years unlike too many others influenced by the media.
The man, one of the most senior Q maintenance people was allegedly told to oversee a repair until completed (illegal I believe) on a B747 fixed for a very high profile visitor's return flight, had a serious accident around the 36 hour mark & subsequently kicked out by Q now permanently disabled, unable to work etc. No compensation as he "breached the rules" & "worked too long", despite being 'ordered to do so'
verbally by top Mgmt (VERY top mgmt) who denied ever telling him to. He had no written proof as he was summoned to see the 'Gods' where they told him what was required (not normal procedure but what did that matter) - so it was his word against 3 very Top Q execs.
No Govt body would help as Q Mgmt tell the truth. Lawyers (kindly) advised him not to waste his money hiring them.
Good news - his retirement nest egg (transferred from Qantas Super) was still around 7% above the 30 June 1987 figure as we did very well in October 1987, and he unloaded a whole lot of information about Q behind the veil as well as putting me onto a number of long term Q staff.
Of course he may have not told me the truth, but what he revealed on other matters & what I found out from the others he put me in touch with - I could confirm as 100% factual. One particular heinous act was confirmed via a rival fund manager who I ensured never had an empty glass of red at one function.
Trouble is these days various Politicians/senior bureaucrats are doing it way too often & most of the mainstream journalists are too fearful for their jobs (as a number have told me point blank much more frequently since 2010 or so).
Such as Scott Morrison's claims over lack of supply slowing the vaccine rollout to Group 1A when there was never one delay to Pfizer deliveries which Group 1A were to receive.
Or the non-rollout to Disability Care facilities - residents & workers alike.
Or NSW's understating the people out & about while infected - announcing just those out the entire time & not those out for part of the time. I may be pedantic (so many AFFers agreeing!) but saying "27 were out while infected" when it was 27 all the time + 17 some of the time = misleading & downplaying potential impact in the community.
Or the disappearance of announcing "Unlinked cases" because the number has been above the "failure of contact tracing" rate NSW declared early last year.
Where I can, I try to do something about it. Sometimes it leads to 'investigations' by the likes of State or Federal Auditor Generals, State ICAC equivalents, ACCC, ASX or the media. Other times it leads to changes within companies, even product changes.
Too often certain State organisations don't have the funding available given their caseload, other times the evidence I present is comprehensive enough that they do not have to do much work other than to confirm the authenticity of documents I provide and the accuracy of analysis.
Total fines that I've had a hand in getting levied is now a little over $12m, but the adverse publicity is the more relevant cost to the companies involved as several major financial institutions can attest. Hence why if I call a company secretary's office - I get through.
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