Well I think it’s the way the Feds talk to us. And most certainly in SA. I feel like Prof Spurrier is my great Aunt giving me life advice. I’m too old for that. She wants to keep QR check in going - forever

. Apparently there was robust discussion at their meeting because Prof would like to keep us in lockdown but Grant Stevens is adamant we can’t keep everyone locked up with zero community transmission.
But yes, maybe Victoria has moved on.
( as an aside, an SAussie has been trying to get to his mum in RAH who is dying of brain cancer. Not aware of her environment much. He flew from overseas and in Qld quarantine and not allowed to come to SA yet. He had organised a charter flight to get him here safely. Yesterday she had the gall to say that it was likely that she would still be alive once he got here after quarantine and they were moving her. I suspect but don’t know, into palliative care. Said she was doing well. Family were so distressed and filmed the mum. Well, the flack she created amongst SA means that today he was granted an exemption).