I don't think we have enough data yet to validate the approach taken by the eastern states.
Yes we do.
NSW health had
modelling predicting 560 cases in ICU by later October/early November - remember this was the midst of Delta with low vaccination numbers in October we were not even at 80% CovidJab2
That modelling was wrong by 100%
The actual number in ICU was half that.
Basically all the modelling we had was wrong - but only in one direction - all severely overestimated the severity.
Why did restrictions ease?. Because as vaccinations rose the numbers fell away,
Now cases have jumped - because we know that vaccinations do not prevent infections but rather minimise the severity.
Which again is borne out in the ICU numbers.
Additionally we also know from ABS that the % death rate from Covid in the 0-59 age group is 0.1%. Note that this encompasses a significant period of time when that age group was not vaccinated.
I mention this age group because this is the age group that is the majority of all the new cases - in fact the under 40s.
And the ones at risk of dying - the old and infirm - are nearly all 100% vaccinated and many are on to boosters,
NSW/VIC started the pandemic clock ticking. The other states do not have to restart the clock.
But the clock is ticking and has been for many months. The other states had the opportunity of time to vaccinate, learn from the NSW experience, develop capabilities, deploy resources.
But did they? If the other states did not develop the hospital infrastructure during the “lull” period, maybe tell the Premier go lock himself out of his Office and explain why.