I was feeling a bit warm the other evening, so took my temperature. 0.5 degree above what it would normally be that time of day (I've been taking it from time to time to get a 'baseline'). No harm getting a test, especially as I had a physio appointment next week, so I called the Tasmanian COVID hotline to make a booking (required in the Hobart testing clinic). Conversation was surprisingly low key. Eventually said that they could give me a 'referral', and someone from the medical team would all me 'usually' within 24 hours and arrange a time for a test. "So won't be tomorrow, then?" "I don't know - all we say is that they will contact you within 24 hours." Then she mentioned that a non-booking clinic would be held in a regional town a bit closer to me on the weekend (3 days away).
Not exactly in a hurry are they!

When I said I thought a test before them would be better, she said I could call my GP and get a test done at the doctor's surgery.
The next morning, and since, I've been fine, so I didn't call the GP, but I will be going in for the weekend test. I'm by myself at home between now and then, so I'm pretty comfortable with the situation.
The Tas health Minister was on the radio this morning. Exempt workers coming from Victoria have been a sore point since the Vic outbreak started. The government has cracked down on exemptions granted to Victorians, but they are still coming. Asked why they aren't required to be testing on arrival, the Minister just parroted the line "that's not the advice we are getting from the health authorities". Stuffed if I know why they can't be tested. its not as if there are lots of them.
A lot of our freight comes from Victoria on trucks via the Spirit of Tasmania car ferries. Minister said previously that 80% of the trucks are driven on by Victorians, and driven off by local drivers, but that still leaves a bunch of Victorian (and probably NSW) truckies circulating around the state.
So far we've been lucky, over 60 days without a case (we don't get any overseas arrivals - no customs etc people here), but when it comes, I hope to hell that it won't be a "Yeah, I guess we should have plugged that hole" moment.