Australian Reports of the Virus Spread

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In Victoria today, 331 new cases, with 37 reclassified, leading to overall increase in total cases of 294. Number of active cases in Victoria increased by 11, which again has to be good news, although I am sure everyone is hoping for a decline in the number of active cases soon. Positivity rate from tests is 0.86% for the day, lowest since 18 July, and the 7 day average positivity rate is sitting at 1.86%, after peaking on 8 August at 2.66%.

Other possibly good news is that the number of cases with unknown source of local transmission was 40, the lowest since 25 July, peaking at 280 on 30 July. But with significant daily fluctuations it's hard to tell how meaningful this is.
I feel like NSW cant win - all the states except Vic calling for NSW to take harder actions ans as soon as they do exactly what Qld did, its deemed unfair.

I know what you mean and how you feel.

I expect NSW and VIC will probably end up in the same basket, with low levels of community transfer bubbling along. At least the two powerhouse states will most probably be open to each other. QLD, maybe we will grow up a bit once VIC and NSW are a bit more under control and we feel more confident (plus our election is past....) and the golden triangle can be restored.
Today's DHHS report.

Media release

11 August 2020

Victoria has recorded 331 new cases of coronavirus since yesterday, with the total number of cases now at 15,251.
The overall total has increased by 294 due to 37 cases being reclassified – largely due to duplication.

Within Victoria, 91 of the new cases are linked to outbreaks or complex cases and 240 are under investigation.
There have been 19 new deaths from COVID-19 reported since yesterday: one woman in her 50s, one man in his 70s, six women and four men in their 80s and four women and three men in their 90s.

The overall deaths from coronavirus in Victoria stand at 246 - this is an increase of 18 since yesterday, with one death reported yesterday removed due to duplication.

14 of the 19 new deaths are linked to known outbreaks in aged care facilities. To date, 246 people have died from coronavirus in Victoria.
In Victoria at the current time:

  • 2903 cases may indicate community transmission
  • 7880 cases are currently active in Victoria
  • 650 cases of coronavirus are in hospital, including 43 in intensive care
  • 6889 people have recovered from the virus
  • More than 1,854,688 tests have been processed – an increase of approximately 34,090 since yesterday
Of the total cases:
  • 13,990 cases are from metropolitan Melbourne, while 932 are from regional Victoria
  • Total cases include 7395 men and 7800 women
  • Total number of healthcare workers:1885, active cases: 1097
  • There are 1838 active cases relating to aged care facilities
Active aged care outbreaks with the highest coughulative case numbers are as follows:
  • 193 cases have been linked to Epping Gardens Aged Care in Epping
  • 174 cases have been linked to St Basil’s Homes for the Aged in Fawkner
  • 147 cases have been linked to Estia Aged Care Facility in Ardeer
  • 127 cases have been linked to Kirkbrae Presbyterian Homes in Kilsyth
  • 107 cases have been linked to BaptCare Wyndham Lodge Community in Werribee
  • 106 cases have been linked to Outlook Gardens Aged Care Facility in Dandenong North
  • 97 cases have been linked to Estia Aged Care Facility in Heidelberg
  • 88 cases have been linked to Arcare Aged Care Facility in Craigieburn
  • 79 cases have been linked to Aurrum Aged Care in Plenty
  • 79 cases have been linked to Glendale Aged Care Facility in Werribee
Cases currently linked to key outbreaks are as follows:
  • 201 cases have been linked to Bertocchi Smallgoods in Thomastown
  • 138 cases have been linked to JBS Brooklyn
  • 120 cases have been linked to Melbourne Health Royal Park Campus
  • 59 cases have been linked to the Woolworths Distribution Centre in Mulgrave
  • 58 cases have been linked to the Linfox warehouse in Truganina
  • 39 cases have been linked to Catholic Regional College in Sydenham
  • 32 cases have been linked to Inghams in Thomastown
  • 28 cases have been linked to Diamond Valley Pork in Laverton North
  • 26 cases have been linked to Multiplex Premier tower
  • 20 cases have been linked to Hazeldene’s Chicken Farm in Bendigo
  • 16 cases have been linked to St Joseph’s Primary School in Bendigo
The department is also investigating an outbreak at Poultry Place in Laverton. More information will be available in coming days as these investigations continue.
The infected people that snuck into QLD via NSW were Queenslanders, not Victorians.

Which is also why they should be described as Queensland (or Brisbane ) Shoplifters and not Melbourne Shoplifters.

They were also Queenslanders who had just popped down for a quick spree when they knew the virus was very active.
It was Gladys who said they have to fly to Sydney. There are so many ACT residents stuck because they were given approval which was rescinded.
I am getting heartily sick of ACT having to pay the price for people from other states doing the wrong thing e.g. Queenslanders and NSW using Canberra as a backdoor to fly elsewhere :(.

the border decision smacks of panic. If it were me, I would stop all access to Canberra Hospital for people from NSW - if people travelling to Canberra are expected to abandon their cars and possessions in Victoria (after having permits granted and then pulled in some cases a few hours later), then sick people in NSW can fly to Sydney for treatment. :(
Which is also why they should be described as Queensland (or Brisbane ) Shoplifters and not Melbourne Shoplifters.

They wouldn't be known as shoplifters anywhere except where they chose to have their little spree.

Tas has a new case. Guy went to Melbourne for medical treatment, came back on medi-plane to NW General Hospital. Tested negative either in Melbourne or on arrival, then developed symptoms in Tas, tested positive; still in the hospital.

Premier indicated that all 'infection protocols' adhered to - I assume that means full PPE even though he had tested negative. If not, there's probably a few days of infective window, in the hospital.
NSW Health finally updated its status table ...15 community transmissions (unknown source) and 1 under investigation since before Crossroads was reported
I am getting heartily sick of ACT having to pay the price for people from other states doing the wrong thing e.g. Queenslanders and NSW using Canberra as a backdoor to fly elsewhere :(.

the border decision smacks of panic. If it were me, I would stop all access to Canberra Hospital for people from NSW - if people travelling to Canberra are expected to abandon their cars and possessions in Victoria (after having permits granted and then pulled in some cases a few hours later), then sick people in NSW can fly to Sydney for treatment. :(
I've got to say @Flying mermaid I am having the same feelings of outrage at the way the ACT is being treated here. I always ask why the rules have to be made harder for people who are doing the right thing because that is easier than enforcing the existing rules on idiots who won't comply - and end up with a kind of asked and answered do-loop! Why punish Canberra for NSW people who came here and went to Qld when they knew they should not have done that.

And re the trapped Canberrans, as far as I know, Andrew Barr offered to provide a police escort at no cost to NSW to make sure that there was no "stopping off along the way" on the 3 hr trip from Wodonga to Canberra, and that seemed a very reasonable proposal to me. Someone said "jurisdictional issues", but I'm pretty sure that is a bureaucratic issue that could be resolved quite quickly if they wanted to, given how quickly all the states have moved on other limitations of our rights.
I am getting heartily sick of ACT having to pay the price for people from other states doing the wrong thing e.g. Queenslanders and NSW using Canberra as a backdoor to fly elsewhere :(.

the border decision smacks of panic. If it were me, I would stop all access to Canberra Hospital for people from NSW - if people travelling to Canberra are expected to abandon their cars and possessions in Victoria (after having permits granted and then pulled in some cases a few hours later), then sick people in NSW can fly to Sydney for treatment. :(
So send suffering NSW border folk to Queanbeyan Hospital?
In Victoria today, 331 new cases, with 37 reclassified, leading to overall increase in total cases of 294. Number of active cases in Victoria increased by 11, which again has to be good news, although I am sure everyone is hoping for a decline in the number of active cases soon. Positivity rate from tests is 0.86% for the day, lowest since 18 July, and the 7 day average positivity rate is sitting at 1.86%, after peaking on 8 August at 2.66%.

Other possibly good news is that the number of cases with unknown source of local transmission was 40, the lowest since 25 July, peaking at 280 on 30 July. But with significant daily fluctuations it's hard to tell how meaningful this is.

The 7 day trends are all heading in the right direction in Victoria.

Any one days results are problematic though at present as the test results vary from 12,000 to 41,000 as the results are released in catch up batches rather than reflective of what is actually tested per day.

The tests results released today was 34K, and so the new cases today is quite possibly an overestimate.


And in NSW

So, a 3.5 hour drive with police escort is unacceptable. And according to some is uncontrollable. What rot. However, plenty of those pesky politicians are able to drive across the border all the way. So sick of the double and triple standards. Shame.
Premier Andrews having a bit of a trial at the Parliamentary Inquiry today and being very careful with his wording (all my bolding)

Premier Andrews, asked about why ADF offer wasn't taken up:

Mr O’Brien asked Mr Andrews why he had chosen to use private security guards rather than police or ADF personnel.

“I’m glad you mentioned the use of ADF. I don’t believe ADF support was on offer,” Mr Andrews said.

“It’s been provided in limited circumstances in New South Wales, not to provide security as such but to provide transportation from the airport to hotels.

“I think it is fundamentally incorrect to assert that there was (sic) hundreds of ADF staff on offer and somehow someone said no.

“That’s not, in my judgement, accurate.”

But then :

It follows Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews earlier telling a coronavirus inquiry that it was incorrect to say there were “hundreds of ADF staff on offer and somehow someone said no.”

In a statement released on Tuesday afternoon, Ms Reynolds said an application for 850 ADF personnel to assist with quarantining returning travellers was made on March 27 before it was withdrawn the following day.

“ADF officials asked whether Victorian authorities required assistance with its mandatory quarantine system on multiple occasions,” she said.

“No request for quarantine support was subsequently received from Victoria at that time.

“On 12 April 2020, Victorian authorities reaffirmed to ADF officials that all quarantine compliance monitoring operations were within Victorian authorities’ capacity.”

And from Brett Sutton:

Victoria’s Chief Health Officer says neither he or his public health team were involved in the running of the state’s bungled hotel quarantine system.

Brett Sutton told a Victorian parliamentary inquiry he was informed of the coordination of data, the coordination of welfare support for medical and nursing staff as well as some issues relating to the subcontracting of health services.

But Professor Sutton said the hiring of security guards, which is believed to have led to infection control breaches, he was not consulted.

“I was not involved in any of that decision making whatsoever,” he said under questioning by Member for Polwarth Richard Riordan.

“I can’t speak to the broader department, I was not informed of it and I wasn’t asked for advice.”

Sadly, its all a bit of a slow-mo car crash. Feel very sorry for the people of Victoria about this debacle and the aftermath. Rather than the Dept Health, the organisations involved in the hotel quarantine set-up were: "Global Victoria, staff from Agriculture Victoria, Regional Roads Victoria and the National Gallery of Victoria".
Why punish Canberra for NSW people who came here and went to Qld when they knew they should not have done that.

Again that person was a Queenslander who drove from Sydney to ACT to fly CBR- BNE then onto sunshine coast to bypass the need to quarantine in BNE. Just like the 3 that went to Melbourne to shoplift and party and flew MEL-SYD-BNE to again to lie about where they had been and by-pass hotel quarantine. I'm getting tired of NSW being blamed for the behaviour of returning Queenslanders. Queensland closed their borders to NSW because there were Queenslanders who did the wrong thing returning from a hot spot as declared by Qld.

I've yet to see any evidence of NSW travellers bringing Covid-19 to Queensland since they lifted the border restrictions on 10th July. It is true a Qld couple dined at Apollo and came back to BNE with Covid-19, but they were not NSW residents.

And it was multiple Victorians in possession of transit passes to drive through NSW on route to Queensland who stopped and visited venues not permitted under that pass, which lead to NSW voiding all transit requests which is impacting a very small number of ACT residents who didn't leave Vic in the 3 day window between notice being given and new tougher restrictions applying. Those impacted ACT residents will need to fly back to Canberra and either leave their vehicles in Wadonga to be collected when restrictions lift, have a border resident move their car to Albury side then collect it after completing their quarantine in Sydney or Canberra or arrange to have the car Freighted to ACT.
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So, a 3.5 hour drive with police escort is unacceptable. And according to some is uncontrollable. What rot. However, plenty of those pesky politicians are able to drive across the border all the way. So sick of the double and triple standards. Shame.
And not only drive all the way, do that with no escort and on the strength of their promise that they and their whole family have self-isolated for 14 days. Yeah, right.
All the ACT is trying to achieve is to get our residents back to the ACT from the border where they were told they were OK to go. We will then look after them. We are providing a police escort. I’m sure they will be told to go to the toilet and get petrol on that side of that side of border and being Canberrans are capable of following police orders to stay in line with a front and back marker.
The rest of the before of who did what to whom when and from whence they came is not relevant.

Again that person was a Queenslander who drove from Sydney to ACT to fly CBR- BNE then onto sunshine coast to bypass the need to quarantine in BNE. Just like the 3 that went to Melbourne to shoplift and party and flew MEL-SYD-BNE to again to lie about where they had been and by-pass hotel quarantine. I'm getting tired of NSW being blamed for the behaviour of returning Queenslanders.

Queensland closed their borders to NSW because there were Queenslanders who did the wrong thing returning from a hot spot as declared by Qld.

I've yet to see any evidence of NSW travellers bringing Covid-19 to Queensland since they lifted the border restrictions on 10th July. It is true a Qld couple dined at Apollo and came back to BNE with Covid-19, but they were not NSW residents.
All the ACT is trying to achieve is to get our residents back to the ACT from the border where they were told they were OK to go. We will then look after them. We are providing a police escort. I’m sure they will be told to go to the toilet and get petrol on that side of that side of border and being Canberrans are capable of following police orders to stay in line with a front and back marker.
The rest of the before of who did what to whom when and from whence they came is not relevant.
thank you @get me outta here. That's what I'm trying to say too.
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So, a 3.5 hour drive with police escort is unacceptable. And according to some is uncontrollable

How many police cars were they intending to provide? According to the lady interviewed on Q&A last night there were approx 100 ACT residents in Wadonga stuck at the border (some from regional Vic towns without cases and some who had come from Melbourne or other areas such as Geelong with active cases) - two police cars would not be able to keep site of approx 50 vehicle convoy for the whole 3 hour drive. If a car broke off route - do the cops follow the rest of chase down the wrong doer - Im not saying it cant be done but it is far from simple.

These people have already demonstrated they cant follow instructions, by not leaving Vic while their transit passes were valid i.e. before 12.01am last Friday, after the restrictions were announced on the prior Tuesday.

Better would be for the cars to be loaded onto trucks as freight (would need 10 or so trucks) and the residents put into busses with police on each bus to make sure no one disembarks in NSW? or put them in a bus to cross to ABX and put on a flight to CBR.
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Think you are going off track a little here.

My recent comments were about those NSW residents isolating at home since the second wave from Vic came to NSW (crossroads hotel onwards), not the hotel quarantine program or the failures before the hotel quarantine program for international arrivals came into being, nor those who had a pass to drive through/transit stopping outside of their permit.

Most of the articles you posted were from March, and the precise reason hotel isolation for international arrivals was introduced nationally. I think everyone can concede the international arrivals hotel quarantine program was sorely needed.

The case of the druggie Victorian resident who had been granted a transit permit in July to travel directly to Queensland via NSW, who did not, says nothing re NSW residents likelihood to comply with self isolation orders, These breaches from Victorians permitted to transit the state is one reason Gladys is now not allowing ACT residents to transit to return to ACT - everyone flies via SYD if coming from Vic except freight or border residents.

I had understood Vic weren't checking up on those positive local cases who were meant to be quarantining at home until media leaked that they had been going to work. Your link would say there were some checks which is good, but the fact that it was reported that significant numbers weren't at home when they should be was a clear point of community transmission. Also seemed to be ramped up significantly by ADF personnel once Vic lost control of the outbreak. I will never understand why people breach staying at home orders, weren't charged and put into policed quarantine Andrews et al were too lenient for too long.

NSW has had some hotel issues, never denied that, but have seen nothing like 20% of those meant to be isolating not being at home when checked. I can only recall 3 hotel escapes (the one you quoted above, plus the woman who set the fire alarms off and the one who conned her way out to the airport), which given NSW has taken over 60% of international arrivals since the program begun is quite small. Imperfect yes.

In interview last week Dr Chant said compliance checks had found people were isolating as expected - I cant find any articles since Crossroads outbreak of NSW residents not isolating when they should, which I take some comfort in.
Here are a few more 'Great Escapes' in NSW plus a failed nomination!
  • Failed nomination - Ruby Princess
  • Oscar winner - repatriation flight of doctors, dentists & partners with approx 20+ their partners absconded from Sydney International under control of NSW State Govt & flew to numerous destinations Australia-wide before it was noticed they were missing. Some were 'caught' (& pardoned!) as their flights had not left yet.
  • Jetstar flight from Melb (after checks introduced due to public backlash) which arrived early & NSW staff had not arrived at gate before arrivals. NOTE: Major infection risk on any flight - boarding through to after 10-15 minutes after takeoff & vice-versa for landing as aircon system not operating just recirculate.
  • NSW Health having different 'What to do' handouts at different testing locations, & changing rules up to 4 times in one day for those working in hospital INCLUDING reversing prior changes within the day.
  • NSW Health running out of Flu vaccine leading to immunisation in at least one major Sydney hospital being postponed 5 weeks.
  • NSW Health telling 1st infected nursing home that no need for all staff to have masks let alone full PPE, and NO - will not supply any PPE get your own (even after home said it could not source ANY). Perhaps due to 2 large Chinese Property developers sending 80 tonnes back to China via Sydney International Airport?
  • NSW saying border closures should never happen. Qld acting unconsionably....
If only political gain did not have to cause widespread community pain. God help us if there is ever another shooting war!
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