Now for Government stupidity this takes the cake.A farmer in northern victoria wanted to take some lambs to Corowa,NSW markets as she has always
done.Some bright spark public servant insists they be driven to Melbourne then flown MEL-SYD and then driven to Corowa.<,P-R
Shirley Sprenger Cheshire
August 16 at 5:56 PM ·
So today we telephoned Service NSW to enquire about getting a permit to enter NSW to take our sheep from our address which is a few hundred meters out of the border zone, to Corowa sheep yards, which in over the river and in the border zone. What ensued has left a very bitter taste in my mouth, and tomorrow every politician and news outlet is going to hear about it.
It went as follows..... "We are sheep producers and need a permit to take sheep to Corowa Sheep Market. NSW: your address is outside the zone, you will need to enter the state via Sydney airport. Us: We are farmers on the border and you want us to take a load of 40 lambs by plane to Corowa? NSW: Yes. Us: You want us to drive 6 hours to Melbourne with 40 sheep? NSW: Yes. Us: You want us to put 40 sheep on a flight from Melbourne to Sydney and then transport them from there to Corowa Sheep Market on the border? NSW: Yes."
I **** you not, this is for real.
#DanielAndrews you promised the people of Victoria they would still be able to buy meat. You let this **** go, they won't be buying lamb.
#GladysBerejiklian fix the border zone/region/bubble what ever the hell you want to call it and do it soon, better yet, re-open the bloody borders for ALL FARMERS regardless.
#MLA get all over this NOW before it becomes an animal welfare issue.