However on the flip side - over 70% of all GST revenue generated in WA goes to the rest of Australia. So WA hard border closure had double benefits - GST money flowed thru the borders & money that would have been spent in WA by rest of OZ tourists got spent or saved = improving rest of Australian economy. Win win in economic terms.Don't forget the Royalties WA collects (and keeps) from mining in WA - HUGE! Iron ore prices at record levers due to China demand for its recovery and limits on supply from Brazil. That income has insulated the state budget from the economic effects of the virus and allowed then to keep their borders shut.
With the mining royalties, don't forget NSW profits handsomely as was the headline news in Sydney last night on the coal royalties.
BTW - not record iron ore prices, high yes, record not yet.

If the 'vaccine' wars get worse then that does not bode well for world trade as the EU's overnight precedent with blocking any vaccine delivery to Northern Ireland (hypocracy given the EU's Brexit stance against UK) & blocking vaccine exports from EU plants.
Crazy times.
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