For the Norman Swans, Raina
Marylouise McLaws and other so called experts out there...
A section of the medical and scientific commentariat has peddled extreme risk aversion to Australia’s detriment. The most egregious examples have amounted to anti-AstraZenecism. It’s not academic freedom. It’s academic dishonesty - and it will cost lives.
…. as a retired medico myself the unseemly pile on between expert voices in my profession only rivals that of the colony’s premiers… I despair.
I fully support intellectual rigour and differences of view with healthy discussion ….but Nero fiddles whilst Rome burns… I can understand the science but a fearful public finds this really stressful to get their heads around.
AZ is a good vaccine for Covid.
Yes - side effects can be fatal but are thankfully rare (as with every drug and vaccine).
Getting Covid is worse IMHO.
There was a problem with:
1- supply of all vax(AZ and Pfizer although former not a problem now)
2-see 1
4- messaging (a)that was consistent , in your face and backed up by a coordinated rollout that ensured every frontline and healthcare worker got it first (and at the same time ie if you work in aged care facility everyone got it) and then whole country
5- messaging (b). In medicine it’s all about risk benefit.All drugs have adverse side effects. Drugs for malaria are not without risk but we give them to people to prevent disease when going to an endemic country & they are effective. Malaria kills millions. We don’t give them here routinely as we don’t have the disease. I feel the populace (and pollies) got complacent ie there’s ‘no cases of Covid’ early 21 except imported …the (rare) risk of the AZ vax may be argued greater in some than the disease itself but that was flawed thinking as the virus was never gone in Australia.
So now we have the appalling situation where there’s tons of AZ VAX with fewer takers (I don’t include anti-vaxxers here) … to turn this around the message in Coatsworth’s article needs to be distilled quickly in a campaign and jabs ready with AZ everywhere (and obviously Pfizer) to go into arms… and how about some leadership ie Qld around this. AP ‘needed’ Pfizer not AZ?????
… and get vaccinated .. your doctor can help discuss the risk messaging here..
Ready for pile on
Above is my humble opinion only…
Stay safe .. be positive..test negative.