Agree with the inference as to the type of place (I have had lunch there) but its irrelevant, and I used it to counter the example that it's the "private clubs" that are leading the way with a perceived snobbish attitude to such dress, another example would be Eden Park where high vis won't get you into see a game of footy through general admission let alone in the corporate areas. At the end of the day it's the Qantas manager who has the right to admit persons as they see fit whether we like it or not, and we need to accept the refs call on that one!
I think you missed my point. I was making the point that some people want their WP to mean something much more than it actually is - they want it to be a super-exclusive club so that they can feel more important/more exclusive or as though they've "made it", in the same way that some people join the super-exclusive private clubs. In fact, this is what QF want you to feel, because they run the clubs as a commercial decision to support their airline business.
For the person for whom WP is their private club, hi-viz in the lounge somehow reminds them that it's actually not a super-exclusive club - it reminds them that they let all walks of life in here, even miners, and with that, the club doesn't feel so super-exclusive any more. Rather than re-evaluating their belief system, it sometimes is easier to just outgroup those people and blame them for "cheapening" the lounge.
That was what I was getting at. Whether the Caboolture Sports Club bans hi-viz doesn't change this at all.
The reality is that WP and the Business Lounge is something you can access by flying either a lot or via expensive tickets, making these people commercially valuable to QF. It's not a super-exclusive private club - it's a lounge designed to built customer loyalty. So why get so upset about another person that has a similar level of status credits as you (or possibly more!) that may be enjoying the lounge, and why does that cheapen your experience?
Banning people that behave badly - absolutely. Banning people on the basis of what they wear as a surrogate for what sort of person you think they are or assuming that they won't behave in a certain way on the basis of what they're wearing - that's problematic.