I was sure I posted this last night, but obviously not.
Was a great weekend, my thanks (in some sort of chronological order) go to:
Bundy Bear - for giving me somewhere to sleep on Thursday night
Heleigh - for providing the transport from the airport to my hotel
dfcatch - for paying for a round of drinks that I never got the chance to repay you for in kind
GPH - nice to meet you in person, and for providing interesting conversation at dinner on Friday night (although I'm once again shopping for wine storage fridges that I can't really afford)
GPH & stark - for splitting a couple of bottles of a fantastic Shiraz with me on Friday night
KPC - for an extremely amusing conversation on the way back to the hotel
bossreggie - for organising a wonderful lunch on Saturday, and for attending even though you probably should have stayed in hospital
Eugene (chef at Euro) and the 15 or so kitchen and serving staff - for not only looking after us on Friday night, but for preparing and serving and extraordinary meal to a very large group of people
mr_osborne - for great conversation at lunch
KPC, dfcatch (and possibly others) - for sharing you Hilton free drinks vouchers
Katie - for providing chips when I didn't think I could possibly still be hungry
storyteller - for providing more chips!
littleMissKatie - for reminding me of how much I was missing my kids
Fish Restaurant @ Hilton - for letting us in at 10pm, and for providing red meat options at a fish restaurant. Also for selling 2006 Rockford "Basket Press" for less than I can buy it at Dan Murphys
storyteller, bossreggie, simo, stark and 1 other who I can't remember (sorry) - for helping me consume the 2 bottles of 2006 Rockford "Basket Press"
girl in the Hilton car park - for the clever use of her "assets" in procuring cash to pay for her parking ticket

note: I didn't give her any cash ...
mr_osborne - for reminding me via PM about the girl in the car park!
mr_osborne - for the lift home after dinner on Saturday
KPC - for guesting me into the Hilton on Sunday morning for breakfast
simo - for sharing the flight home and for letting me use your duty free alcohol allowance
I think that covers it, now back to work so I can make enough money to pay for the next one!