I understand that you can't handle the truth .... but you could have removed the wrapping and disposed the contents into your recycling bin without reading it. Would that really have killed you?
I recycled the "dob in a terrorist" rubbish without petulantly marking it "return to sender". Why can't climate denial fascists do the same?
I can handle being called whatever you like - including "fascist" if you will
(personally I disagree...)
But your post is typical of your kind - completely unable to accept that perhaps it is quite legitimate to hold views that question yours.
For the record:
1/ If you scroll up through the thread - you will find my very clear articulated views on this matter..... Namely - that I have very clearly accepted global warming, have never denied it, however I have clearly expressed scepticism at various and continual alarmist claims made in the name of global warming. My cautious scepticism is based on the objective evidence of a number of these claims in recent years being proven false (and no I'm not quoting someone else's views... I'm referring to clear and loud claims of "no dam-filling rains" and other ludicrous nonsense that has been proven wrong).
So again - by all means call me what you like - but please do it accurately - and a "denier" I clearly am not. A "questioner" - ABSOLUTELY.
2/ Scientific modelling is hardly "the truth".
And seeing as such "modelling" is a constant work in progress - I oppose the carbon tax simply on the basis that I don't agree that it is an acceptable solution/course of action to deal with a problem whose modelling is so fluid.
3/ I understand the government's policy and proposed legislation more than their "propaganda" is going to tell me. (which of course was cleared by no less than a medium size army of taxpayer funded bureaucrats).
Why do I understand it - because I make it my business to understand an issue prior to commenting on it publicly.
For the record - understanding it is a prerequisite to deciding whether to support it or not.
4/ I feel reassurred to know that you (according to your same argument) supposedly "couldn't handle the truth" about the existence of terrorism. I suppose you probably think that 9/11 wasn't actually terrorism. You probably think that recent terrorist convictions here in Australia are a Howard Conspiracy too..??
5/ Would you have felt the same about the "dob in a terrorist" stuff if it was sent to you by an ALP government??
See - my views on the carbon tax are based on my views on the carbon tax - irregardless of which political party proposed it, supports it or otherwise.
For the record - I would oppose it just the same if it was Tony Abbott who was pushing it. I oppose the policy - period.
In summary - by all means, attack me. By all means, attack my views, disagree with my conclusions.
But if you want to have any credibility in your attacks - you need to attack the argument, the detail, the inconsistency or the contradictions.
You gain no credibility by blindly displaying a political allegiance in your arguments.
I'm all up for debate - but it frustrates me to no end when I have to coach my opponents on how to attack me properly.
Attacking oneself due to a lack of credible opponents isn't nearly as much fun!