I think sometimes people read too much into these e-mail.
Having worked in what many people loosely called 'sales support' (think cust service / marketing / admin / sales / comms / etc), my experience is you always try to recycle materials.
If I could use one single e-mail template to spam all customers in Hong Kong and China, why wouldn't I just filter out all customers in Hong Kong and China in one single group, and spam them with one single e-mail in one go, but instead, filter out China and Hong Kong as 2 separate lots, write 2 separate e-mail templates, then do 2 lots of spamming? Like I would willingly double my workload for no extra reward? No thanks.
People who write these boring / not fun / non sexy e-mail (read: not marketing to increase sales, like promotion / branding) don't do these for fun, they just want to get these sorts of work done and over and move on. They really don't care if China or Hong Kong, or Aust and NZ or NZ and Aus or ANZ or whichever side of the ditch is written first.