Saturday 29 April 2017 sees an 0945 hours predicted MEL arrival for MU737 ex PVG (A332 B-6545.)
MU749 from WUH to SYD is similarly late with arrival at 0814, 34 minutes tardy for A332 B-5961. As WU750 does not depart until a scheduled 1120, it should be unaffected. These flights only commenced a couple of months ago and are only thrice weekly, despite this central mainland Chinese city having a population in excess of 10.6 million - greater than the combined population of 'greater Sydney' and 'greater Melbourne.' And yet many of us would not be able to come close to pinpointing Wuhan on a map, and nor would many of us have been there.
Making a threesome, the PVG - SYD redeye MU561 (A332 B-5920) is predicted to arrive at 1000 hours, an hour late.