After a restless night's sleep, I decided to go for a run, but obviously didn't do my research. I ran around the Tenderloin area. Big mistake. Ellis St in particular is full of aggressive homeless people with severe mental issues. I had a full cup of soda thrown at me by one guy and another guy said to me: "You're not a track star...get your skinny white cough off the cough*ing track". He didn't realise it, but he made my day calling me skinny. Within the space of several hundred metres, I was abused no less than five times, some of it really vile stuff. Obviously my fault for not doing any research. I eventually found a small park - Boedekker which was really just a basketball court and a children's playground, but at least it had kids there and a couple of young kids playing basketball. I just ran around that until around 35 minutes and then braced myself for the two block run back to our house. Lesson learned. Justin - do your research before just wandering off willy nilly in a big city known for its homeless problems. I didn't blame these guys at all. I wandered into their territory and was probably wearing $800 worth of running gear. They have mental issues and no home. I can afford $800 worth of running gear just to run and was on a holiday in a far off place.
The girls went shopping in the afternoon and I decided to tag along. It was Christmas Eve and there was a happy vibe in the city around Union Square although very busy.
Stepdaughter surprised Miss 16 with Nutcracker ballet tickets, which was to start at 6pm. They headed off around 5pm, which left the son-in-law (SIL), wife and myself to do whatever we wanted. Wife has a chronic illness so she had no energy and had a nap. SIL went to the gym so I had a free pass to hit some bars and enjoy a couple of beers before the two girls got back from the ballet and we were scheduled to head out for dinner.
I found an Irish bar - Johnny Foley's that was packed, but managed to grab a seat at the bar. I didn't care much for Guinness or Stella so I just had a straight out Budweiser.
After a couple of cleansing ales, it was time to head back to the house. It was Christmas Eve and although we had booked a restaurant for Christmas night, we hadn't done anything about Christmas Eve. Everywhere was booked out. The girls returned from the ballet, which they loved. We eventually found someone to eat that was certainly not upscale, but did the job - Jasper's on the corner of O'Farrell and Taylor Sts. I had the bison meatloaf, which was decent.
After dinner we walked to Union Square where there was a real buzz in the air (and it wasn't from the pints I had).