After dinner we walked around for a while and take in the sights one last time as tomorrow we'd be headed for LA.
Paris Las Vegas.

The Bellagio.
Everyone decided to head to the land of slumber, but I played Blackjack at the tables for a while and quit while I was $200 up. Nice.
I was sharing a room with Miss 16 this night and I was awoken at 2.30am by her crying and in pain. She had been vomitting all over the bathroom and was in a really bad way. Food poisoning I suspected. We didn't get back to sleep as all night she was up vomitting.
By the time morning arrived it was clear that she was in no state to travel. She could barley move.
I phone concierge and asked if the two of us could stay on another night while the others went to LA. The hotel was fully booked which was not surprising as it was December 30. They phoned several other places for me and the same result occured. Vegas was chockers for New Year's.
It left us with very little alternative but to just carry on.
Miss 16 was in a really bad state with whatever she had coming from both ends. Got got in the shower and I ran to Walgreens to see if I could get something for her, but anything that was going to help required a prescription. Some electrolyte water was the only thing I could get.
Somehow we managed to pile into a maxi cab out to LAS with Miss 16 still wearing my Qantas F PJ top that I gave her. she loves it and didn't want to change out of it.
Unfortunately I couldn't clean the bathtub up much. There was vomit everywhere. Still, I felt bad for the housekeeprs and left a hefty tip with an apology note. I figured that, being Vegas, they'd encounter vomit in rooms regularly, but that didn't mean it was OK for us to do it.
We made it to LAS and stood in line at curbside but the wife had to take Liv to to toilet in a emergency dash so it took a while for them to come back and us complete check in.
Lines for security were long. It seems a lot of people were leaving Vegas today as well as arriving.
Eventually we got through and got to the gate with an hour to spare.
Our Southwest boarding numbers this time were B35-39, not quite as good as last time. Miss 16 wanted, and needed, to sit in the back row as close to the toilet as possible.