This post is about dogs.Well not actually it is about our US flights but dogs figure prominently.It all started on our flight from DFW-LGA when the couple in 4A,C which were originally assigned to us brought on a very large carryon and 2 smaller unusually shaped carryons.Turns out there was a dog in each.These were certainly not service dogs and their behaviour in the LGA terminal suggested they were definitely family pets.After arriving into LGA mrsdrron went to the restroom.In the next cubicle(the accessible one) went mrs 4A.Mrsdrron hears her saying over and over-"Go potty".
Now it was time to leave New York.We were flying LGA-CLT-ATL.Initially the first leg was with AA the second with US.I looked up the gate on gave us C37 which is an AA gate.When checking the second leg I got a message saying I would have to go to the US website.So we rock up at Terminal B and go to the AA checkin-your flight is with US from Terminal C.Fortunately AA have a shuttle to the US terminal.No problems with checkin.These are our first US flights.
Problem at security as the premium line does not have a body scanner and even though I ask to go across to it the agent makes me go through and as usual the alarm goes off and I automatically go to the wanding position.The second TSA agent has some common sense and says-some metal?I reply a knee replacement and so am now sent to the body scanner.
The AC is just after security.Terminal C looks modern as does the AC-
Same lack of food options though.Good views but basically of Delta planes-
Several dogs wandering the terminal at least one boarding our flight.
AA1849. LGA-CLT. ETD-1010. Pushback-1008. Take off-1016. Seats 2A,C. A319.
Eta-1220. Landed 1154. At gate 1159.
Service was just a basket of snacks-crisps,mini pretzels,biscuits etc.Plus juice.Again I went to sleep.Arrived early which was good as only a 55 minute transit.Had to walk to different terminal.AC was next to gate so able to have 20 minutes to refresh.Again lots of dogs wandering the terminal with their owners.Only 1 that definitely was a service dog.Americans really like pushing the boundaries.Boarding on both sectors wasa different from the AA experiences.Same calls made but many try and jump the queue.The agents though are very good at turning people back.We were ptobably 7 and 8 in queue but first to board.
AA 0873. CLT-ATL. ETD-1315. Push back-1313. Take off-1323, Seats 2 D,F. A321.
ETA-1430. Landed-14 21, At gate-1428.
So the seat shot.
A much newer plane but showing signs of maintenance-
Seems though some repainting being done at CLT-
Next Atlanta.