Convoys and the Long Way Home

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From Longwood gardens we made our way to the Sheraton Valley Forge at King of Prussia.The reason we picked here was that I could drop Mrsdrron at the King of Prussia mall which is huge and I could go off and have 5 hours touring the Valley Forge National Park.Even though I have been in this area many times I have not made it to this War of Independence site.
A real downer was our treatment at the Sheraton,Checked in a bit after 3pm.Booked lowest category room and got the worst of that category at check in,Smallest room on lowest floor,furthest from lobby and closest to I-76.Not only that but air con was inoperative for 36 hours and on the full day we were there no water-fortunately after we had our showers.Notified front desk who said it would be back on after an hour or two.Came back ~ 4pm.Went to the loo,flushed-nothing happened.Then they sent around the maintenance guy who could do nothing about the water but cleaned the air con filter and it worked properly after this.
Told the checkout agent our concerns who said I will give you 2000 SPG points compensation.You guessed it not posted.Missive to customer relations.As well they were stupid enough to send me a survey re stay.

No trouble this time getting wrong mall.So off I went to Valley Forge.Some views lokk much the same-

But that is the Valley Forge Casino.Still some relics.Mounds delineate the redoubts and forts.

Reproductions of the cabins the men built.Maybe though a little differently-

But I did catch up with a couple of stragglers from the Continental Army-
Lovely scenery and certainly made for families with lovely picnic areas-

Now there just had to be a General Wayne-
To get to the next place of interest,Washinton's Headquarters you had to go out of the park for a distance and pass the covered bridge-

Washinton's headquarters are conveniently placed on a train line!

His guards quarters and the man himself-

Now it is called Vallet Forge because it is in a valley and there was a forge.This area was the largest producer of iron at that time but basically was wiped out by the war-

And now where George lived for this time in camp=
So the inside of Washington's headquarters.Had to wait for several school groups to go through.
Walk back up the hill and continue on around the Inner Defence line.Follow the trenches-

The grass in the last pic is the top of the trench.Next was redoubt 3-

Next the central artillery park-

Just a peaceful place.The road is for the trolley tours in summer.
Interesting that history depends on who is telling the story.After looking at all the presentations and going around the site I came to the conclusion that this is the man most responsible for the British losing the War of Independence.He melded the Continental Army into a true army.Amongst other things giving them their first ever training in the use of the bayonet-

A chapel has been built here by the Episcopalians-they were the Anglican church.

This is the Justice Bell which toured Pennsylvannia between 1915-1920 in the campaign for the vote for women.It is modelled on the Liberty Bell.It was rung for the first time in 1920 when the vote for women's suffrage was passed.
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So on to my last stop at Valley Forge-the National Memorial Arch.There were meant to be 2 at the opposite ends of the park.The second was to honour General Von steuben but the Senate vetoed the second.This was dedicated in 1917 but extensively renovated in the late 90s.I was surprised to learn that Valley Forge only became a National Park in 1976 created by Gerald Ford.

The Chapel bell tower from the Arch-

But some things are little changed-

I can recommend a visit to Valley Forge if you are interested in history.A car is best but a public bus runs from Central Philly to Valley Forge.They do advertise trolley tours though I saw none and maybe just a summer thing.
No trouble finding mrsdrron at the mall this time.For our 2 nights here we ate first at Red Lobster which has been a favourite of ours.Like Legal Seafoods it has had financial problems and not as good as it used to be.Will give it a miss next time.
The second night we went to Bahama Breeze.It is in the group that used to own Red Lobster but Red Lobster was sold off 12 months ago.This place was much better helped by the fact we decided to eat early-5pm.That turned out to be Happy Hour-half price starters and $2 beers.So we shared several starters.Really enjoyed it and great service from a lovely waitress.

So Friday 29th May and we check out.Took a drive into Philly-I-76 though was a slowly moving car park.Drove past some favourite haunts-our son lived there for 2 years in the early 2000s.Went to the Reading Terminal Market which was definitely a favourite with us.Much busier and less of a market.But our Peking duck stall was still there.Enjoyed our duck pancakes and took some pork away for dinner that night.Also bought some Amish pastries-lovely and only 95 cents each.Mmmmm.
Then a short drive to the Embassy suites PHLNo real restaurants near here which is why we bought the Chinese pork.As expected the ES had a microwave.After dropping the luggage I took our rental to the airport.Really proud as when I picked it up the computer said it had averaged 30.4 MPG.When I dropped it it was 31.4 MPG.Got the ES shuttle back.When I got on the driver asked if I had just dropped my rental-yes.Thought it was a funny question.As we left the airport he got a phone call from a fellow who he had flown past who had just dropped his rental and phoned the hotel for the shuttle.Another was sent.

When I got back to the ES at least 5 busloads of school kids ~8-12 arrived and took over the place.Little room at the manager's reception.A wonder that their popcorn machine survived.After the odd glass of wine it was time to retreat to our room and have our pork.Breakfast was absolute chaos and not surprisingly things were running out quickly-even things like knives and forks.It wasn't just the kids.I was in line behind one of the teachers.She had 2 plates.Left me 1 small spoonful of scrambled eggs but took all the bacon.Talk about role models.Fortunately we had gone down late as our flight was ~1800.They all left before we finished brekkie.Ah the serenity!
Really slow internet at the ES-uploaded 128 640 pixel photos to Picasaweb and it took 6 hours-in Europe it takes just minutes.Ah the enhancement of gpld benefits.

We had a 2pm checkout and got the 1430 shuttle to Terminal A.Whilst checking out 4 funky young African Americans are checking in.The old African American doormen comes over and talks to them.Turns out he used to be an agent for musicians and they a rap group from Brooklyn who had come for a weekend music festival.
Little did we realise what was about to unfold.
Before our flight misadventures just a few comments on the USA.Have always enjoyed driving here as drivers had always been courteous.Was a little surprised when reading TheRealTMA's TR of his West Coast adventures commenting on US drivers being less courteous than Canadians.I took more notice and indeed they are changing but then many other things have changed.
I remember my first visit some 45 years ago and being amazed at how confident most American's were-bus drivers reading their poetry or trying out their singing voice.Nearly missing in recent years.

The next thing is politeness.Was a very prominent feature from young to old.Now not so much.The one exception is the Military.I followed a group of the military around Valley Forge.They had a Ranger telling them all the history and one fellow with a camera following them.They and I had to wait at Washington's HQ for a couple of groups of schoolkids to go through so I began chatting to the fellow with the camera.Now they were all in Khaki so I asked if they were Army."Why no sir,they are Navy."And you are recording this visit"That's right sir."And they are all enjoying a day out of the classroom."Yes sir we all enjoy that."The conversation went on for a while but always so polite.

We came across some College and Uni sporting teams on our travels.In Roanoake 2 University softball teams-no consideration for other guests.Totally blocking the lobby with bags scattered everywhere.The groups of schoolchildren I have also mentioned.Politeness obviously not taught today.

General knowledge.Now American's have always been poor when it comes to knowledge about anything outside the USA.But on this trip I was astounded at some profound ignorance about American history.Outside Washington's HQ at Valley forge the teacher was asking the children who was the person in charge of the Continental Army during the War of Independence.There were several wrong answers(including Lincoln,Jefferson and Eisenhower) before the correct answer was given.

Then at breakfast at the ES PHL there was a Women's team from a University in Geogia.One fellow was obviously trying his pickup lines on one and said he went to University in Augusta and asked if their town was west of there.She answered I have never head of Augusta,what do they do there?It is big in sport.What sport?Golf.What's that?Well they try and hit a ball with some kind of stick.
These are educated people?

Despite all this we still love visiting the States.Although it might be all the bad things you imagine it all comes together and just works.
After arriving at Terminal A we walked into the checkin area looking for Business or first checkin lines.There are none.Only kiosks.Sure once you have used a kiosk you can now go to a J or F bagdrop but you wait in line with everyone for a kiosk.To make matters worse there was a very large group of young women who arrived before us.So to a kiosk and off we go.Everything seems to be going fine except we could not get baggage tags.Went to print out BPs and it then comes up that it doesn't recognise my passport.Go to agent who says go and use another kiosk which tells us we are already checked in but again no baggage tags-I think the computer was warning us of what would come.
Finally the supervisor agrees to check us in.This procedure didn't fill me with confidence.
The checkin took quite some time.We were not getting far.The agent then asks me whether I live in Paris-no I live in Australia."how far is Paris from Australia?"I kid you not.So I answer just the other side of the earth.So her next question-"so how to you propose to get to Paris?".Gee I thought I was checking in for the Paris flight.
Double checked that the bags were tagged to CDG.

At least keeping up our 100% record for TSA precheck with US.Only 1 problem.There is no precheck line.Everyone lines up together and when you get to the agent checking passports you are told congratulations you don't have to take off your shoes,jacket and belt.
Only 1 xray working for carryons.We are about 5 and 6 in line for our bags to go through.And everything stops for 10 minutes.They then open up the second Xray but only allow direct access to it from the agents checking the BPs.When finally it starts moving one goose going through the body scanner has stull in his pockets-empties one pocket into a blue bowl but has another pocket needing to be emptied.And you guessed it repeated a third time.
Now through security are the BA J and F lounges.Didn'tn try as so many reports that if flying AA entrance is denied.When you get to the AC you realise why.Incredibly small and people standing.We were lucky and got 2 seats in the hallway.
Wine not complimentary.Ask for our coupons and told in no uncertain terms we are allowed just 1 each.We were in the AC at gate A6 as our flight was departing A12 just across from A6.Finally boarding is called.I find out then instead of an A340 a last minute sub to an A330-reading before the trip this is not as good in J as the 340.But here it is-

The amenities kit were of absorbed airlines into AA.

Back to the seat-
Plenty of time to take pics as the Captain announces there was a medical emergency on the incoming flight and 4 oxygen bottles need to be refilled.So here is the menu and wine list-

US are obviously trying to make the QF wine list look good.No champagne just Prosecco and served in a plastic cup.

US874. PHL-CDG. ETD-1815.Push back-1842.Back at gate-1912.

So we got to the runway when the Captain announced there was a hot air bleed in the left wing so returning to gate and engineers would look at it.Back to a different gate.Ground crew get on and after about 15 minutes we are asked to deplane and take everything with us.Told not to go far as hopefully will reboard in 30 minutes.However by 1945 we are told flight was cancelled.Pandemonium and everyone rushes gate agents.Head around to customer assistance and already a long line so to AC.Two agents and we are the third couple in.Takes some time for the first couple to be accommodated and they are off to LHR on BA.

The agents are basically clueless.Takes quite some time then she announces BA LHR flight has been delayed and so she has been able to book us PHL-LHR-ORY in J.Says run to the BA gate.We do.Get there to be told no you are not on this flight only on standby for Y.Back to the AC.We were told the only option was tomorrows US PHL-CDG flight in Y.Mrsdrron's response-No it's not.Asked if she could ring AA.
She then rang an AA supervisor in Dallas,put him on the speaker phone and in 5 minutes he had our alternate itinerary organised.PHL-EWR-ORY.Fortunately whilst this was going on I was able to cancel our first day's hotel in France-was a cancellable rate.Also changed Avis booking for the next day and from ORY.Again lucky as the per day rate actually fell.
US had also then run out of hotel vouchers so book a hotel and the cost will be refunded.Just bring your receipts here tomorrow.So booked the Marriott at the airport and walked over.As we had had nothing since brekkie we ate a quick meal there.
So Saturday arrives and we decide to get to the airport early to check in and make sure of our bags accompanying us.We had a printout of the new itinerary from the agent in the AC.Handed over the printout to the agent who said-What's this?
Our new itinerary.Took a long time just to get BPs for the PHL-EWR sector.
Then came the inevitable US agent's doozy-Where's ORY-and she said ory rather than letter by letter.Took a little while to sink in that it was another airport for Paris.
Kept up our 100% record for TSA precheck but no TSA line again at Terminal B.Went to the AC club at gate A16-much bigger,brighter and well stocked than the one at A6 where we were yesterday-our flight was leaving from A12 just across from A6.
So rock into the AC and mrsdrron produces the receipt for last night as the agent told us bring the account back to the AC-we don't do that here you will either have to go back to ticketing or Customer service airside-so I said that is the one near A19-yes but it only opens at 1530.Boarding in the F terminal for us begins at 1535.
Total fail for US
Now both at checkin and at the AC we asked that they check our bags will fly with us-of course they will.So off we go to the F terminal by airside shuttle.Find there vis an US Customer Non-Assistance desk right next to our gate.So take the Marriott receipt to them-we don't do that.You will have to email customer relations-their contact is on the other side of your BP.Except it is inactive.Try the customer relations link from the US website-no longer works so end up emailing AA.

For light relief the better AC lounge and food selection-

Interesting being able to see ships going up the Delaware-

US4092. PHL-EWR. ETD-1425. PB-1424. TO-1436. ETA-1529. Land-1509. At gate-1516.
As OWE,OWS travelling together we got the premium seats-12D,F.Last row just in front of the Loo.First for plane type-Canadair C 65 operated by Wisconsin Air for US.
When fellow sat in 11D my tray collapsed into my lap.There was a drink service.FA comes around with plastic cups and a large bottle of water.
.Was a little surprised when reading TheRealTMA's TR of his West Coast adventures commenting on US drivers being less courteous than Canadians.I took more notice and indeed they are changing but then many other things have changed.
I remember my first visit some 45 years ago and being amazed at how confident most American's were-bus drivers reading their poetry or trying out their singing voice.Nearly missing in recent years.

I should add that in our experience it really depends where you are driving. Canada around Toronto is like US around SFO - totally crazy! We'd been in nice quiet parts of Canada on Vancouver Island so the Seattle and Portland traffic snarls brought this to attention. Still, many in NW US liked to sit in outside lane at just above speed limit causing frustration of fast cruisers in A8s, Mustangs and pickups to hoon down the inside lane and cut in aggressively. Causes one to have to pay more attention than normal so makes distance driving more tiring.

Glad you've finally got your flights to France! Sounds a bit of a nightmare when cancellations and stuff ups happen. Good luck with the rest of the trip. Thanks for the excellent TR and commentary so far, looking fwd to more stories and pics.:)
When we toured the west coast it was along the coastline and Arcadia.Washington state at that time had a law that if you had 5 or more cars behind you you had to turn out.We found them very polite.So back to the TR.
After arrival in EWR we saw our plane being unloaded and didn't recognise our bags.We had to take the Airtrain to change terminals.No driver-

When we arrived at the BA lounge we asked the agent if our bags had arrived she said no they are still in PHL after looking at her computer.US had booked mrsdrron in 1A and I in 4A.Asked if we could sit together and given 4D,F.We are in Biz Bed and ordinary J behind us.We are meant to eat in the lounge.Now there is a restaurant and a buffet.OWE does not get you into the restaurant.The buffet is basically the same menu.Reasonable food.So some pics of the lounge-

And the all J airline-

We leave the lounge as board shows our flight is boarding.Ask again at desk and agent says our bags have arrived at EWR.When we reach gate only preboarding-a couple of pax in wheelchairs.Only a minute or so before Biz bed is called for boarding.There are 5 rows of biz bed and then a cabin of old J.A few empty seats.Very nice male FA who shares a couple of jokes-he is based in NYC.Glass of champagne served.

BA8004. EWR-ORY. ETD-2025. PB-2025. TO-2040. B757. Seats 4D,F.
ETA-1030. Land-0939. At stand-0944.
So to the seat-

That is the old J.No TV-use an Ipad which had very limited content-

For the safety demo the FAs stand between the J cabins.They face towards the tail for the English version and towards the coughpit for French so I get mine in French.Then off we go-
So to the menu-

Good views of Manhattan as we taxied to the runway-

Which meant as we took off my view was over New Jersey-

But then we made a turn-
Then the Empire state,Chrysler building and midtown-

Central Park is the dark area in the middle.Then over Connecticut-

I did try the taglialatelle but it was forgettable-

As nothing on IFE I laid down and tried to sleep.Uncomfortable but obviously got an hour or twos sleep.Then woken for brekkie at 3am.
Morning and we start our descent to ORY-

Well at least it is Paris.

Arrived early so we are sent to a remote stand.Only 1 bus for the whole plane.And no one needed assistance getting down the stairs.More miracles.

Immigration is perfunctory so soon waiting for our bags,and waitin,waiting and then an empty carousel.$ lots of people queue up at BA luggage services.Got the paperwork done and off to Avis.Had booked a Mercedes C180 and got upgraded to C220 diesel.That was great as only used 1 tank of fuel and averaged 20.5Km per litre.A few scratches so as usual out came the camera.The only thing that took a little while to get used to was the engine cutting out when you stopped.
Once again Google maps was hopeless getting out of the airport but finally headed in what I thought would be the right way and turned out to be the right road.Took a while to get out of Paris.Once past CDG it was plain sailingHowever we had lost a day and our stop at Amiens.The reason for stopping there was to visit the grave of my great uncle.But really no time and besides it was raining.So it was straight to Holland.
So our first night in Holland was at Kruinigen.A review of our stay and meal at their Michelin starred restaurant here-

So the resurant on the left,accommodation on the right.The large sunroom is the breakfast room and our room was next to that on the ground floor-

A canal in the distance still used for commercial shipping-

Next time we will have to arrive by helicopter-

Just beautiful grounds-

The breakfast provided was great.House smoked salmon,various cold meats and cheeses,a dish of strawberries and cream.pastries with more cream and various breads.Started off with a bowl of their bircher muesli.Excellent.It was expensive.All up ~ $A1000 but we are both glad we did it.
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