My comment was based upon the continued assurances by our own manufacturers here in Australia, that we have ample in stock and won't run out - what really p****s me off though, is that we make the stuff here in SA, but it gets shipped to the eastern states before it gets supplied to us, and we are then offered stuff from China. (Have used Chinese TP in China and it's seriously cough - pun intended 100%!

I don't have issues with stuff being made OS, but it's time these big companies started supporting struggling, Aussie businesses. While I applaud Twiggy for organising all those masks, I still have to ask why he didn't make moves to have them made here first and support Australian manufacturers? We got it off the ground darn quick and are continuing to produce them even now.
The entire planet is feeling the effects of this pandemic, but I feel China will recover an awful lot faster. Why? Because we buy so many products from them that could, in all honesty, be produced in our own backyards - while our economy struggles to recover, they'll be reaping the rewards. If nothing else, this pandemic has shown how badly we (and many other countries) have all their eggs in one basket - diversification would be prudent, "spread the wealth" so to speak. I'm not talking about taking an isolationist direction, as China certainly provides plenty of products that we couldn't produce, rather those that could be made here maybe should be. Right now, our economy could do with all the help it can get.
As always, YMMV