From Singapore, we are up to 72 cases, with 1697 close contacts of those cases traced and in isolation (and still trying to contact another 262 close contacts).
In terms of on the ground:
- Not as many people wearing masks as there was initially, following strong campaign to focus on hand washing and wear masks if sick.
- Anecdotally, I'd suggest restaurants and hawker stalls, at least in my area, still very busy, but I'd say down a little (walked past a hugely popular dim sum restaurant which spans 5 shopfronts, and it was packed as usual on Saturday night, but no people waiting for tables).
- Lots of businesses allowing people to work from home if possible (we have been on enforced work from home for three days, since case confirmed in adjacent building - that we share a lobby with).
- Chinatown seems a bit quieter
- Catholic church has suspended public masses indefinitely (noting two of the "clusters" are linked to churches - with 16 and 5 cases respectively)
- Other than that, by and large people going about business as usual.
Planning to fly down to Melbourne on Friday, hopefully things won't change so much between now and then and I'll be allowed in without having to be quarantined