While it may be comforting to package Convid-19 as just another seasonal nuisance, the Chinese experience seems to indicate otherwise.
It seems to be highly virulent, our immune systems are neophytes to it , and it incurs a very broad range of symptoms and outcomes in its hosts
We have no idea of the bugs stability, longevity , ability to mutate in new hosts… we really know zilch.
We have been fighting the flu for ever; we spend heaps and know a little about it... but still the bug mutates, causes economic mayhem and kills the weak and compromised.
I hope our governments apparent public nonchalance is unfounded and that "Scotty" is not sanguine about accepting God's will……..if so heaven help us.
If a major clean out of all the immune compromised humans in the world is an acceptable outcome (sell your aged care shares) , then perhaps we should relax and go with the flow.