Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

Doctor you beat me to it - redbigot with a bit of work you can secure 389 from Dan's ~$50 and RWT ~$100 - interested to hear some suggestions from you of comparable substitutes to these 2 Penfolds wines at around same price point.

I'd rather pay $61 for St Henri than $50 for Bin 389 - and did last year, the only Penfolds wine I bought.
The last Bin 389 I bought was the 2005 in 2008 @ $40pb.
(Most of) my purchases last year (apart from cheaper stuff for quaffer packs for friends):
Ashton HillsSparkling Shiraz200817/12/201518$37.00
BalgownieSparkling Shiraz201422/07/201512$25.00
Brookland ValleyCabernet Merlot201215/07/20156$22.00
Devils LairMargaret River Cabernet201230/06/20156$26.00
FarneseEdizione Cinque Autoctoni201214/10/20156$56.00
FarneseEdizione Cinque Autoctoni201214/12/20159$46.00
Hayshed HillBlock 2 Cabernet20117/01/20156$26.00
Hayshed HillCabernet Sauvignon20117/01/20153$18.00
HewitsonMother Vine Shiraz20122/03/20156$24.00
HewitsonMad Hatter Shiraz201210/03/201518$22.00
HewitsonMother Vine Shiraz20133/08/20156$24.50
HoughtonGladstones Cabernet20122/07/20156$55.00
HoughtonGladstones Cabernet20125/07/20156$48.00
HoughtonGladstones Cabernet201315/09/20156$48.00
InkwellDeeper Well Shiraz201015/09/20156$50.00
Juniper EstateCabernet Sauvignon201126/05/20153$42.00
Kangarilla RdAlluvian Fans Shiraz20135/08/20156$20.00
Kangarilla RdBlanche Point Shiraz201327/08/201512$20.00
Kellermeister / Trevor JonesWild Witch Shiraz20122/02/20155$51.00
Kurtz Family VineyardsBoundary Row Shiraz201217/05/20156$23.00
Lake BreezeBernoota201211/05/20156$17.00
Larry CherubinoThe Yard Acacia Shiraz20131/07/20156$28.00
Larry CherubinoCherubino Shiraz20141/07/20156$45.00
LeasinghamClassic Clare Sparkling Shiraz19981/07/20156$40.00
LindemansLimestone Ridge Shiraz-Cabernet20127/01/20156$36.00
LindemansLimestone Ridge Shiraz-Cabernet20123/08/20156$30.00
Magpie EstateTight Cluster Sparkling Shiraz200823/01/20156$28.00
Magpie EstateTight Cluster Sparkling Shiraz20082/07/201512$28.00
MajellaSparkling Shiraz200830/06/20156$20.00
MariusSimpatico Shiraz201320/08/201512$27.00
MariusSymphony Shiraz201320/08/201512$35.00
MitoloThe Furies Shiraz201228/08/201512$40.00
NoonsReserve Shiraz201415/10/20156$31.00
PaxtonJones Block Shiraz20126/10/20156$30.00
PenfoldsSt Henri201221/10/20156$61.00
Peter LehmannMentor201215/09/20156$30.00
PikesEastside Shiraz201316/07/20156$22.00
SaltramNo 1 Shiraz20104/02/20159$50.00
SaltramNo 1 Shiraz201217/12/20156$40.00
SeppeltChalambar Shiraz201310/01/20156$16.00
Shaw and SmithShiraz20131/07/20156$35.00
St HallettOld Block Shiraz20122/07/20156$65.00
St HallettBlackwell Shiraz201317/09/20156$28.00
Tim AdamsAberfeldy Shiraz201214/09/20156$44.50
Torzi MatthewsFrost Dodger Shiraz20131/05/201512$35.00
Wolf BlassBlack Label Shiraz C-M20085/01/20156$59.00
Wolf BlassBrown Label Classic Shiraz201219/02/201512$26.00
Wolf BlassGrey Label Shiraz201212/03/201515$25.00
Wolf BlassGrey Label Cabernet Shiraz20121/05/20156$25.00

[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] Producer [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] DS [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] Vintage [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] Date Purchased [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] Number Purchased [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] Cost each [/TH]
Crickey - substantially more comprehensive response than I was hoping for - I certainly appreciate your input and am sure many others will also.

From memory I have also bought 15 wines on your list - some I like - some I would not buy again including Mitolo and both Hewitsons - again it's all a tasting and preference game specific to each individual - but what a fun game is it not?

Edit: And the St Hallet Blackwell Shiraz - ever since SQ dropped RWT in F and substituted next month with St Hallet BS - I haven't got over that and do not enjoy it at al now.
Crickey - substantially more comprehensive response than I was hoping for - I certainly appreciate your input and am sure many others will also.

From memory I have also bought 15 wines on your list - some I like - some I would not buy again including Mitolo and both Hewitsons - again it's all a tasting and preference game specific to each individual - but what a fun game is it not?

Yeah, personal preference is king.
I actually bought the Mitolo Furies twice, one 6-pack at about $29pb after vouchers etc., made for Woolies, but better than some of their recent own releases for me. Hewitson is a more restrained style, I've liked most of those from VinoMofo the last couple of years, over-priced otherwise, sent back the Ned & Henry 2014, passed a lot of 2012 and 2013 Ned & Henry to friends.

Seems we are in a bit of a Shiraz phase these days, but have lots of old Cabernets, my partner won't drink Cabernets under about 10 yo, she complains the young ones taste like chewing on a hedge. Most imports are out as I have a big grudge against cork as a seal, some exceptions such as the exceptional Farnese Cinque Autoctoni.

Still some big company stuff there, happy sometimes to buy when they cut the inflated price in half.

List from my own Access database, with fully programmed interface and reporting, I used to distribute it freely, but became too much of a hassle with different versions of Office/Windows after a while.
List from my own Access database, with fully programmed interface and reporting, I used to distribute it freely, but became too much of a hassle with different versions of Office/Windows after a while.

Thats a nice feature of your database RB, does anyone who is familiar with CellarTracker know if something similar can be done? An export to excel?
Thats a nice feature of your database RB, does anyone who is familiar with CellarTracker know if something similar can be done? An export to excel?

Go to the view you want (e.g. purchased views), filter if required. Then click the Export button in to the top-right:


and select the data to be exported. Choose CSV format for easy importing into Excel;


I used to maintain my own SQL Server based application to track all this stuff - had a mobile-friendly web interface and everything. But adding new features was coughbersome (compared to someone else doing it for you aka CellarTracker), and linking to 3rd party sites for reviews etc. was far more difficult than just outsourcing the whole thing.
Doctor you beat me to it - redbigot with a bit of work you can secure 389 from Dan's ~$50 and RWT ~$100 - interested to hear some suggestions from you of comparable substitutes to these 2 Penfolds wines at around same price point.

I am just a young casual drinker and have my first Penfolds around 15 years ago. It was a Bin 389 and it has a nice oaky taste. Penfolds qualities are pretty consistent but a bit overpriced. There are far more choices for the price of a Penfolds RWT. Does any of you have comparable wines to Penfolds RWT or Bin 389/407? So far they are my favourite. I usually take Bin 28 as my usual drinking wine and Bin 389 for special occasion. I am still exploring other brands of wine that worth the money.
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I am just a young casual drinker and have my first Penfolds around 15 years ago. It was a Bin 389 and it has a nice oaky taste. Penfolds qualities are pretty consistence but a bit overpriced. There are far more choices for the price of a Penfolds RWT. Does any of you have comparable wines to Penfolds RWT or Bin 389/407? So far they are my favourite. I usually take Bin 28 as my usual drinking wine and Bin 389 for special occasion. I am still exploring other brands of wine that worth the money.

Welcome to AFF AUew, I find Penfold wine consistent also. I'm learningheaps of info and bargains on the various Wine lovers threads
I'd rather pay $61 for St Henri than $50 for Bin 389 - and did last year, the only Penfolds wine I bought.
The last Bin 389 I bought was the 2005 in 2008 @ $40pb.
(Most of) my purchases last year (apart from cheaper stuff for quaffer packs for friends):
Ashton HillsSparkling Shiraz200817/12/201518$37.00
BalgownieSparkling Shiraz201422/07/201512$25.00
Brookland ValleyCabernet Merlot201215/07/20156$22.00
Devils LairMargaret River Cabernet201230/06/20156$26.00
FarneseEdizione Cinque Autoctoni201214/10/20156$56.00
FarneseEdizione Cinque Autoctoni201214/12/20159$46.00
Hayshed HillBlock 2 Cabernet20117/01/20156$26.00
Hayshed HillCabernet Sauvignon20117/01/20153$18.00
HewitsonMother Vine Shiraz20122/03/20156$24.00
HewitsonMad Hatter Shiraz201210/03/201518$22.00
HewitsonMother Vine Shiraz20133/08/20156$24.50
HoughtonGladstones Cabernet20122/07/20156$55.00
HoughtonGladstones Cabernet20125/07/20156$48.00
HoughtonGladstones Cabernet201315/09/20156$48.00
InkwellDeeper Well Shiraz201015/09/20156$50.00
Juniper EstateCabernet Sauvignon201126/05/20153$42.00
Kangarilla RdAlluvian Fans Shiraz20135/08/20156$20.00
Kangarilla RdBlanche Point Shiraz201327/08/201512$20.00
Kellermeister / Trevor JonesWild Witch Shiraz20122/02/20155$51.00
Kurtz Family VineyardsBoundary Row Shiraz201217/05/20156$23.00
Lake BreezeBernoota201211/05/20156$17.00
Larry CherubinoThe Yard Acacia Shiraz20131/07/20156$28.00
Larry CherubinoCherubino Shiraz20141/07/20156$45.00
LeasinghamClassic Clare Sparkling Shiraz19981/07/20156$40.00
LindemansLimestone Ridge Shiraz-Cabernet20127/01/20156$36.00
LindemansLimestone Ridge Shiraz-Cabernet20123/08/20156$30.00
Magpie EstateTight Cluster Sparkling Shiraz200823/01/20156$28.00
Magpie EstateTight Cluster Sparkling Shiraz20082/07/201512$28.00
MajellaSparkling Shiraz200830/06/20156$20.00
MariusSimpatico Shiraz201320/08/201512$27.00
MariusSymphony Shiraz201320/08/201512$35.00
MitoloThe Furies Shiraz201228/08/201512$40.00
NoonsReserve Shiraz201415/10/20156$31.00
PaxtonJones Block Shiraz20126/10/20156$30.00
PenfoldsSt Henri201221/10/20156$61.00
Peter LehmannMentor201215/09/20156$30.00
PikesEastside Shiraz201316/07/20156$22.00
SaltramNo 1 Shiraz20104/02/20159$50.00
SaltramNo 1 Shiraz201217/12/20156$40.00
SeppeltChalambar Shiraz201310/01/20156$16.00
Shaw and SmithShiraz20131/07/20156$35.00
St HallettOld Block Shiraz20122/07/20156$65.00
St HallettBlackwell Shiraz201317/09/20156$28.00
Tim AdamsAberfeldy Shiraz201214/09/20156$44.50
Torzi MatthewsFrost Dodger Shiraz20131/05/201512$35.00
Wolf BlassBlack Label Shiraz C-M20085/01/20156$59.00
Wolf BlassBrown Label Classic Shiraz201219/02/201512$26.00
Wolf BlassGrey Label Shiraz201212/03/201515$25.00
Wolf BlassGrey Label Cabernet Shiraz20121/05/20156$25.00

[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] Producer [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] DS [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] Vintage [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] Date Purchased [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] Number Purchased [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #c0c0c0"] Cost each [/TH]

Maybe 1 or 2 of these are in the same league. But if you think most of these are equivalent to or will live as long as 389, then in the words of The Castle 'you're dreaming'.
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I am just a young casual drinker and have my first Penfolds around 15 years ago. It was a Bin 389 and it has a nice oaky taste. Penfolds qualities are pretty consistence but a bit overpriced. There are far more choices for the price of a Penfolds RWT. Does any of you have comparable wines to Penfolds RWT or Bin 389/407? So far they are my favourite. I usually take Bin 28 as my usual drinking wine and Bin 389 for special occasion. I am still exploring other brands of wine that worth the money.

Pretty fair comments about penfolds. Consistent and reliable are words id definitely use. People who dismiss penfolds are usually those that have little understanding about quality wines or eho think that quality wines can be had by spening only a small amount of $$$$.

If say Ive tasted more than 5,000 wines across the world and Penfolds is always close to my top to recommend to any person who wants an example of quality Australian wine at a reasonable choice.
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Thank you Doctor, Prozac and Steady. In fact I am not a 'young' person but I did not drink much in the past. Penfolds was usually the bottle wine in the family gatherings but I am always eager to explore different kind of wines.
Maybe 1 or 2 of these are in the same league. But if you think most of these are equivalent to or will live as long as 389, then in the words of The Castle 'you're dreaming'.

Bin 389 was only a specific example of one of the many wines I've stopped buying as their prices increased past where I thought they were worth the money and affordable to me.

I think you may be confusing your opinion with my reality.
Yes, to me many wines on the list give me more enjoyment and satisfaction then recent and cellared Bin 389 I've tried and the others they have replaced on my buying list.
And my preference is the only one that matters in my drinking, luckily my partner has similar preferences.

I don't keep too many wines past 10-12 yo and at my stage in life I'm definitely not looking for wines that cellar more than that.
But there are a number there that will live as long as Bin 389 and mature as well, based on my own 50 years drinking and cellaring experience and personal preferences as to degree of maturity.
I can remember mid 1980s buying a few cases of 389 at Farmers Merchants (Spit Junction) for $6 a bottle. I wish I'd bought a few more now. I also bought a couple of cases Of Wynns Coonawarra Cab Sav at the same time. Sniff. Those were the days, and wine more realistically priced.
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How is this different to #2734 posted on Feb 2?

It isn't different is it?????

Just a re-posting?

I bought earlier this month - not the whoel package, but just 1 bottle of the Ladies variety.

Tried a few days ago. Nice. But would suit some cellaring.
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I am just a young casual drinker and have my first Penfolds around 15 years ago. It was a Bin 389 and it has a nice oaky taste. Penfolds qualities are pretty consistent but a bit overpriced. There are far more choices for the price of a Penfolds RWT. Does any of you have comparable wines to Penfolds RWT or Bin 389/407? So far they are my favourite. I usually take Bin 28 as my usual drinking wine and Bin 389 for special occasion. I am still exploring other brands of wine that worth the money.

Completely agree. Penfolds just speaks quality. Worth the price.

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