Dear Mr Joyce...

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As for comments made re FA I am always amazed how picky we can be. Do they really need to smile and give us hugs? I just want to be served food and water so I don't starve.

I have to say, I subscribe to this. I'm a bit sensitive to outright rudeness, but outside of that, its a tough job and I like my FA's to be a bit like SQ FA's, neat, clean and really efficient. It matters less to me if they smile or engage me in fake friendly banter.
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People compare QANTAS unfavourably with Emirates but I doubt the have flown Emirates Asian regional sectors such as Colombo KL (not a pleasant experience and v old planes). QANTAS has a greater consistency across its network than most. Patrickk

I'm also not a big fan of Emirates, having flown DXB/CMB/SIN a few times, and yes they use old A330 equipment on this route and very tired it is to.

I think Dixons reign probably allowed QF to start it's aircraft decline by not purchasing 777's in the early 2000's, it would have given them the edge over their competitors and allowed them to replace the older 743's 744's and 767's resulting in a newer and better mix of equipment.

Don't think the actual FA's are as bad as some make out, there will always be at least one grouch on every flight, no matter which carrier you use !!!

Cheers Dee
Talking about those old EK planes, aren't they supposed to be the same old planes which are DJ's saviour domestically?

Sent from my iPhone using Aust Freq Fly app
QF have become the Metro bus in Sydney. Yes, there will be seats, yes, the timetable is frequent, but that's about it. This may work for short trips like SYD CBR MEL (I am the customer everyone wants, practically demands nothing), but not long flights.

Some of the things they can do which don't cost / hardly cost anything.

1 - Don't do stupid surcharge here, surcharge there, surcharge everything. All these are costs of doing business, factor them in, quote one price.

2 - Make sure TV works. If not, proactively do something for the customer, gave them playing cards or extra drinks. On QF, TV broken? Too bad. On VS? We were all given a card, pick a choice of voucher for future booking, or something like 500 Flying Club miles. 500 miles? What is 500 miles? I don't really care; but it's the fact that they proactively gave us the card, which made me feel better.

3 - Serve proper food on long haul. I once had fruit which was "off" on international flight (not to mention the rest was just so yuck). I simply could not believe an airline serving food which was "off". And man, a $12 bowl of Asian noodle in Australia Square or Melbourn Central tastes so much better than the food QF gives out. With QF charging so much for EX Australia comparing EX the rest of the world, I am sure they can give us a hot box of hokkin noodles, instead of 500 grams of roasted beef from the deli. Even sandwiches from the cafe at my work tastes better than the food QF is serving.

4 - Give out small serves of chocolate or candy, to make customers happy, and make FAs "seen".

All of the above either cost nothing, or very little to implement. (How much is a bag of chocolate?); yet will improve customer satisfaction greatly.
Customer service is no longer a focus for Qantas! Over 2 months ago I wrote to them to express my disappointment in the service I received on a PER-SYD flight. The ONLY response I've had is the Automatic email to say they received my email! :mad:

When you are raising converns about the level of customer service you dont expect to wait for OVER 2 months to get a response. Pull your socks up Mr Joyce and start paying attention to your very loyal customers!
My biggest gripe is a new one: domestic BAGGAGE allowance.

When I travel with my family, we sometimes take 2 kid car seats with us. So now, we only get to check in 2 bags before we get charged excess baggage.

Actually that is not correct. From the Qantas website for domestic flights: "Children up to 12 years of age, are permitted one car seat and one collapsible pram, stroller or push chair in addition to the checked baggage allowance." Apparently, I haven't posted enough to give you a link that actually works but it is in the Children and Infants section on the Checked Baggage Allowance page.
In response to the OP, I have a trivial and more significant point.

The trivial is fix the soap dispensors on the 747s so they are not easy to knock off. It is very annoying when someone has knocked one off its mounting and it has disappeared down the rubbish bin shute directly beneath them (in some, not all, toilets).

More importantly Mr Joyce, remember what loyalty is. Loyalty is when some uses your product because they like it and want to come back again and again. Buying "loyalty" from Woolworths shoppers and so forth gets you many people who are happy to use a free flight on your airline but unless they are happy to pay for flights with your airline what is it that you have actually got from them? You need to concentrate on your core business of flying passengers on planes and not get distracted by the millions that the QFF program is earning your company.
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AA FAs have very similiar complaints as their QF counterparts re management etc and are in a long running dispute re pay and have been going through a very long process to strike.You have FAs wearing their union badges,even one wearing a badge-Shaft Arpey(AA CEO).Also have spoken with an old ex TWA FA who hate the AA management,their AA colleagues and their union.However I am more likely to get very good even great service in AA F as compared to QF J(and lets not get into discussion as to whether domestic AA premium cabin should be called F-I am happy for mrsdrron to collect the extra SCs because they do).
Sure I can get a surly AA FA and a really good QF FA but there is a definite difference despite the greater age of the AA staff.

I am with you drron. We changed to AA in 2004 and haven't looked back. I fly QF weekly and any benefits I am afforded are because of personal relationships I have forged over years. With AA, it's the airline that rewards you with service because of your status.Flight redemption is so much easier, and far cheaper (points and dollars wise), their call centre staff are fantastic and upgrades are a matter of course. QF have a lot to learn as to how to treat frequent flyers - and that is no slight on the staff - most I deal with are fantastic - but the airline's treatment of their most loyal customers stinks.
More importantly Mr Joyce, remember what loyalty is. Loyalty is when some uses your product because they like it and want to come back again and again. Buying "loyalty" from Woolworths shoppers and so forth gets you many people who are happy to use a free flight on your airline but unless they are happy to pay for flights with your airline what is it that you have actually got from them? You need to concentrate on your core business of flying passengers on planes and not get distracted by the millions that the QFF program is earning your company.
Couldn't agree more... QF needs to get people buying their tickets again, and needs to make sure people see the value in purchasing a QF ticket. the problem now is QF have forgotten who their traditional market is, they are trying to be everything to everybody and that rarely works well.
2 Months ago I wrote to Mr Joyce on this matter under discussion.
Please read my letter
A response was received by phone.
Polite and "understanding" but full of "motherhood statements" .
Unfortunately the status quo is to remain and do not expect to see any changes for the better for those customers who fly with Qantas "down the back".
IMHO the $20 per passenger per sector per seat choice down the back is the straw that broke this families back.
MR Joyce and the Board had better get their hands off the flush button before the whole lot disappears down the toilet.

Mr Alan Joyce
Chief Executive Officer - Qantas
Qantas Centre
203 Coward Street
Mascot 2020

Mr Joyce:

Reading the Age Business section Monday 02 may 2011 an article by Adele Ferguson on the demise of Qantas as a Full Service Airline prompted me to write to you .The article mirrors my own thoughts.

For me and my family, “Qantas has lost the Plot”.
I was a loyal Qantas customer.
All my International flights were on Qantas aircraft, purchased with MY money, not Company Money. I have never chased FF points or Status credits. Just a loyal Qantas customer, who flew on your International fleet, when finances and circumstances permitted.

Both my wife and I are Qantas Club Members, as are my two eldest daughters.
Every year when we travelled overseas, we had always chosen to fly Qantas.

Not anymore.
We no longer choose to fly Qantas International.
We have sold our Qantas shares.
It is no longer a privilege to access the Qantas Club or its associate lounges in the few places that it is available as our status level in many instances bars admission.

In the last 2 years, we have made 3 International flights (husband wife and full fare daughter) to North America x 2, Japan x1
They have all been with another Full service airline flying nearly the same route as Qantas (Cathay)
2 weeks ago, I booked another International flight to Europe for the Family. Again, not with Qantas, but with another Full Service airline.

Nett result: In 2 years, Qantas has “lost” three Full Fare passengers on four Long Haul International Return Flights.
You could class it as “small bikkies”, but when it my discretionary spending , coming out of my pocket and not going into the pocket of Qantas it is still a Loss of revenue for Qantas.

Qantas no longer treats me as the customer that they want to entice (or want) on board.
I am just another bum on a seat.
The Qantas Club has been slowly eroding the advantages of membership for lower tier members (Bronze)
Flights using points are hard to retrieve without attracting attached penalties for this and that; and being of Bronze status relegates you to the bottom of the list of available seats.
The International fleet and its attraction and amenities for those of us “down the back” is a poor reflection of its previous self. If you are not Business, First or Premium Economy then you are a “nobody”.

The last straw for those of us “down the back and of “no Status “was the recent introduction of a fee to “select your seat” on International Flights for $20 per person per sector.

Qantas has lost our business. We have switched to other Full Service Airlines that at least offer some appreciation and acknowledge the fact that we have chosen them to travel “down the back” as their service and amenities are what Qantas used to be .
We don’t chase the points and status credits – we leave that to the Company Suits “up the front”.
We no longer use nor appreciate what the Qantas Club offered as it has degenerated into, at times, a Zoo like atmosphere with Binge drinking attempts by certain members prior to boarding their flights and a dress code that is never enforced (thongs and singlets are now the norm). You have moved the “elite” to other areas. Modern Airports now days offer attractions, venues, bars and eating facilities that surpass in many instances that which is offered to the Lower Tiered Qantas Club membership. (We do not all fly up the front, nor are we at that; “look at what I have achieved”, Platinum Level)

Qantas is no longer a brand that offers a Full Service that we as a Family require when travelling overseas.
$20 to put my bum on your International seat is so Budget Airline!
For us, Qantas International has lost the plot, and is no longer an attractive carrier that meets our expectations of what a Full Service Airline should offer.
Qantas when used as a local carrier in Australia has been relegated, along with the other carriers, (bar never ever Tiger) to my search Engine Bookmark of cheap flights.

In my humble opinion, Qantas is going down the Toilet with the Boards and Your hands firmly on the Flush Button.

I just had dinner with my father, and we managed get a whole 30mins talk about the dilemma that Qantas are currently having.

Firstly, my father is an accountant. So he thought what Alan Joyce was doing was spot on. I think he's both right and wrong.

The way I see it,

Qantas Long Haul is loosing money. Why? Let's quote AJ himself..

No doubt, Australian's are a little bit proud of Qantas, but a shrinking number of people are actually buying a ticket

Example... Our Average Australian... Let's call him John Smith.

John is an average citizen, he flies to Europe once a year in Economy. He jumps onto the internet to book his annual trip to London:

Singapore - $1800
Emirates - $1850
Qantas - $2100

John isn't stupid, he books with Singapore and is on his merry way to London. Qantas is competing in a global market, and we need to think about that more.

If I look around my house, most of it is probably made in china. Australian manufacturing no longer exists (Well, the vast majority) because there are others overseas willing to do it for less, which is why other airlines overseas can offer much lower fares compared to Australian airlines. Unfortunately Qantas has a significantly higher cost base compared to other foreign airlines. This is due to our higher labour costs and higher standard of living here.

In my eyes, there is two things that Alan Joyce can do to save Qantas International,

1. Turn into another Asian carrier, move most of your work offshore, become a 'global' airline and lower your fares as a result of your lower cost base and compete directly with other airlines based in Asia and the Middle East.

2. Take Qantas back to the days when we were all proud of it, most importantly, when average Australian's were proud of Qantas. Control the spending while keeping everything on Australian soil. But, make Qantas an appealing, Australian airline in which we are willing to pay 100-$200 more to fly on, knowing that we are funding an Australian airline, with Australian pilots and our maintenance done here. Create a sense of enthusiasm towards the airline, so people are proud of it, and proud to say "I'm flying Qantas home". People are willing to do that, if they know it's something special.

I for one hope they do the second option.

Qantas need to become 'our airline' again, the one we are always proud of, the one that people are willing to pay a bit extra for simply because it's Qantas. It needs to become a premium airline again, with nice aircraft, nicer crew and improved service, then people are going to be able to justify the extra money required to fly Qantas.

My two cents.

Returning to Australia soon from another QF Frequent Flyer trip to Europe.
One more trip later in the year and the balance of our QF F/F points will be used up.
That will be our last trip with Qantas.

90% of the staff encountered on long haul sectors from Australia to Europe were just plain rude and/or totally unmotivated.

The QF telephone service must be the worst in the business. The wait time is unreal.
The way QF is heading, you could be excused for thinking you were flying Ryan Air.

Singapore Airlines is our preferred airline. It is so refreshing to be in a SQ cabin from word goes.
With the SQ / Virgin combination, it will be an even better choice.

With the current Qantas direction, the future for us will just be old memories.
2 Months ago I wrote to Mr Joyce on this matter under discussion.
Please read my letter
A response was received by phone.
Polite and "understanding" but full of "motherhood statements" .
Unfortunately the status quo is to remain and do not expect to see any changes for the better for those customers who fly with Qantas "down the back".
IMHO the $20 per passenger per sector per seat choice down the back is the straw that broke this families back.
MR Joyce and the Board had better get their hands off the flush button before the whole lot disappears down the toilet.

Mr Alan Joyce
Chief Executive Officer - Qantas
Qantas Centre
203 Coward Street
Mascot 2020

Mr Joyce:

Reading the Age Business section Monday 02 may 2011 an article by Adele Ferguson on the demise of Qantas as a Full Service Airline prompted me to write to you .The article mirrors my own thoughts.

For me and my family, “Qantas has lost the Plot”.
I was a loyal Qantas customer.
All my International flights were on Qantas aircraft, purchased with MY money, not Company Money. I have never chased FF points or Status credits. Just a loyal Qantas customer, who flew on your International fleet, when finances and circumstances permitted.

But what exactly were you expecting to happen or the CEO to do in response to your letter? What airline do you fly now? I have flown CX and EK not too long ago down the back, and it really wasn't strikingly different from QF down the back. How are they better?

and on a different note:

Can an Australian airline just set up shop in a place like SIN or malaysia? Wouldn't their governments refuse it permission for real 'hub' functions to protect their airlines?
2 Months ago I wrote to Mr Joyce on this matter under discussion.
Please read my letter ...
A response was received by phone.

What's his email address, not that he would personally read or respond to it anyway. Let alone care.

What was the scripted phone reply if any? From experience my replies from QF have been identical by phone, email or just ignoring them. All promises and nothing resulting from those promises.

Firstly, my father is an accountant. So he thought what Alan Joyce was doing was spot on. I think he's both right and wrong.

An accountant is necessary in the higher echelons of any company but there's more to running a business to a bean counter counting fewer and fewer beans each year. QF is down to 19% of international traffic ex AU each year. Pathetic and indicative of how a number of international travelling pax feel and acting with their credit cards with excessive costs for using them. I remember having a conversation with someone saying that schools should be run by accountants. They sadly already are and that's the problem with what's going on in our schools now. Bean counters regarding their clients and staff as beans. Hey let's have the accountants running the police as well. Senseless.

I received an email today from QF 'Last chance for Double Status Credits'. It appears they have noticed I haven't booked a QF flight in a while. It took a while.
As a reminder, in order to earn DOUBLE STATUS CREDITS you need to book and travel on an eligible Qantas flight with a QF flight number on your ticket between 11 May and 31 July 2011^.
And they wonder why I haven't bothered with them after a number of emails and calls along with a QF rep here.

Yet we have AJ blaming everything from the GFC to Asian airlines and their great aircraft together with service and prices, the price of oil to be bumping up fares three times in a month, but when oil prices drop it's all silence and no action, to those nasty unions who ask for a fair deal from their employer, hence his staff and their attitude to pax. Everyone else is to blame.

It has become a tradition of QF CEOs to not be willing to negotiate fairly with its staff over industrial issues and this perhaps explains why a number of staff behave the way they do. I remember last year trying to take advantage of the advertise QF J class serve yourself snack bar only to be barked at for being there and interrupting the important FA s' conversation/gossip. Couldn't even get a bottle of water. I should have pressed the ignore button instead.

Don't you lot realise that he does not care? As far as management at QF are concerned the staff are the reason for all problems. And that can be solved by getting rid of all of the staff. The easiest way to do that is run the airline down to the point that you can easily close it. When he's running a travel agency, he'll be a happy man.
Unlike many on this forum I actually earned my Lifetime Oneworld Sapphire status by flying air miles, not by credit card purchases. I fly. A lot. Frankly I don't care what you do with ****AS (sorry about my Japanese-style pronunciation but I spend a lot of time there). I don't fly the airline anymore, have not done so for years. My frequent flyer miles are all with American. I like this because I can change my award bookings as often as I like and pay no fees what-so-ever. Also, it costs me fewer miles to fly from A to B compared to what you guys charge. Also, when I fly other Oneworld carriers like Cathay, I get access to a much bigger award seat inventory compared to my QFF counter-parts... I have tested this many times. So good luck to you sport. You can fool a lot of the people most of the time but you can't fool some people any of the time.
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Unlike many on this forum I actually earned my Lifetime Oneworld Sapphire status by flying air miles, not by credit card purchases.
I think that you have the QF and AA Frequent Flyer programs mixed up mate. To get status on QF, you need BIS, unlike AA, which is anything. Hell, l could AA Platinum without ever stepping on a plane.
I think that you have the QF and AA Frequent Flyer programs mixed up mate. To get status on QF, you need BIS, unlike AA, which is anything. Hell, l could AA Platinum without ever stepping on a plane.

No. No confusion whatsoever. Read what I actually wrote again, not what your brain thought I wrote. I'm not comparing AA and QFF in that sentance. I'm comparing myself to others on this forum. Your English comprehension needs a bit of work mate.
No. No confusion whatsoever. Read what I actually wrote again, not what your brain thought I wrote. I'm not comparing AA and QFF in that sentance. I'm comparing myself to others on this forum. Your English comprehension needs a bit of work mate.
Yes, l understand. But, since ASA's only came out a few years ago which earn both points and SC's, how can you get QF LTG on QF Classic Awards?
Unlike many on this forum I actually earned my Lifetime Oneworld Sapphire status by flying air miles, not by credit card purchases. I fly. A lot. Frankly I don't care what you do with ****AS (sorry about my Japanese-style pronunciation but I spend a lot of time there). I don't fly the airline anymore, have not done so for years. My frequent flyer miles are all with American. I like this because I can change my award bookings as often as I like and pay no fees what-so-ever. Also, it costs me fewer miles to fly from A to B compared to what you guys charge. Also, when I fly other Oneworld carriers like Cathay, I get access to a much bigger award seat inventory compared to my QFF counter-parts... I have tested this many times. So good luck to you sport. You can fool a lot of the people most of the time but you can't fool some people any of the time.

Just a reminder that this thread is designed to discuss the quality of services provided by Qantas, it is not for discussion relating to Qantas Frequent Flyer.

I'm strictly talking about Qantas Service. Not QFF, not the website, not the airport parking. Anything that happens from the moment you walk in the door of the airport, to the moment you collect your baggage and walk out the door
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