Dear Mr Joyce...

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I posted this a couple of weeks ago in a different thread - basically I ended up waited 95 minutes on hold waiting for Qantas customer service to answer my call. And the most interesting piece of it is that one of my work supervisors attended a seminar/conference with a manager from Qantas Frequent Flyer department who told everyone there that they are only interested in servicing the top 15% of their customer base.

I will be cancelling my Platinum ANZ Qantas Frequent Flyer VISA and AMEX cards and looking elsewhere....

"I have been trying to book an award flight using points plus pay for 2 pax ADL-FLL, FLL to LAS then LAX to ADL but have had no success, with the website not being able to quote and continually crashing.

So, next step - ring QANTAS and see if they can assist me. Sounds easy? Well I would have thought so...... Now, I do realise that there have been issues with the volcano ash etc, and so I have been patient, but my patience has now worn extremely thin. I have called them every day this week in my lunch break, for a minimum of 30 minutes each time, with no answer (yes I am sick of their recorded message.) I have also emailed them a week ago, and received a response that pretty much said "We've got problems, we can't call you back, ring us back"

Tonight, I raced home, dialled their number, and now am up to 55 minutes on hold and still counting...
And to make matters worse, I decided a couple of days ago to just try and cut my losses on this trip and just go for the straight out Award Flight ADL-FLL then LAX to ADL - only trouble is that while I have been waiting to get in touch with them, the flights I needed have disappeared and my only options have gone from a total of all of my points + $1436 to all of my points + $1954 to use points + pay!!!

Now the whammy - I was telling my supervisor today (I work in customer service in a call center) who returned yesterday from a workshop on benchmarking. I said that it was a shame that no-one from Qantas was there, and she said, well actually, they were! There was a representative from Qantas Frequent Flyer, who quite proudly told the group that they only service THE TOP 15% OF THEIR CUSTOMERS and that they are not interested in the rest.

So now, (I'm up to 60 minutes and 36 seconds on hold) my blood is boiling!!

What is the point of saving these points if, when you need to use them, they are damn near impossible to use, and the company doesn't give a rats anyway!

I know that I'm a small fish in a big pond, but really QANTAS, having your senior staff members bragging about the fact that they don't care about me - that's just downright rude!

End result - 95 minutes on hold, finally got my call answered and had to pay the $1954 + points....
Some of the 'long standing' and I mean that FA's are burnt out but that isn't any excuse as to how they serve their passengers on a flight.

Maybe QF could improve on their 'refresher courses' offered to crew for both safety and passenger service.

A smile is always welcoming, and, afterall, that's what working with the public is all about Qantas... oh and FA's... oh and Check in staff.:)

Oh and I'm left handed so I'm all for left handed Ground Engineers working on my flight I'm about to board, but only if they were born left handed....;)

One big annoyance to me is the baggage system at MEL.... often I wait over 15 minutes from disembarkation and have waited over half an hour at times. This is particularly frustrating at night after a connecting flight.

I wrote to Mr Joyce after a particularly bad experience earlier this year but received no acknowledgement, which I guess is no surprise.

And the baggage ground staff didn't seem to have a clue as to what was going on - didn't even know which carousel!
Re: Dear Mr Joyce...Service WHAT Service ?

I have flown Qantas for the majority of my travel, domestic and international for over 25 years. I have also been a frequent Flyer member since 1992. Problems that are now prevalent in Qantas can be tracked back to the previous CEO and the attitude that he manifested within the company. A "holier than thou" attitude is now the norm when dealing with the MAJORITY of staff & I believe that this is due to a number of reasons:
1. No tenure of employment for a number of staff members. If you are part time or casual and can be sacked in the blink of an eye, does that breed a good service culture ?
2. A service centre that has a plethera of "I'm sorry but I can't do that" excuses when you request or need assistance but will now charge you in the blink of a eye for almost anything.
3. An accent that was put on cornering the business sector above all else. Just ask yourself how many business seats are there on a 737 ?

Simply put I now feel that I am an inconvenience for cabin crew, from the moment I take my seat until I leave the aircraft. Like other people before me have said little things do matter. Kids packs, a deck of cards or cabin crew who can remember to bring you a drink after asking for it, not waiting until you re-ask some 15 minutes later and then watch the drink go to the wrong aisle.

People are just that, people not androids. If Qantas had a focus on servicing people from the TOP down then in time things would change. Ask yourself this Mr Joyce, when was the last time you or any of you upper management went on the front line or took time to go through the cabin and TALK to people and then more importantly LISTEN to the response.

It's not rocket science, is it ?
Some common thesmes here.
Re the fall-off in service, I suspect that this is due to a reduction in crewing levels. As I understand it, management has reduced cabin crew levels compared to compeitors. Remaining crew simply do not have time to provide the attention expected. The prime example is of course, clearing of trays in Y after meals ...... In this context I note earlier comments about the corporate attitude to Y passengers.
It seems that we are all arguing over a couple of things. Lets put a versus round on Qantas and Virgin Australia.

Business Class Seating (Domestic): Virgin clearly wins this, by wider seats, greater seat pitch, much newer and better leather seats.

In-Flight Entertainment (Domestic): I'd have to give this to Qantas at the moment, the live2air is a bit of a downfall, but there is 2 sides, with virgin you get your own personal tv, and Qantas there are old projector screens and ones on the ceiling, but with the software and other factors, ill give this to qQantas, but when virgin's new ife is announced, i can assure you, virgin will be the winner.

Food (Domestic): No argument here, Virgin takes this out. While Qantas food is outdated and frozen, maggots have been found in them, rats on the plane, out of date stuff, while virgin is fresh, made on the plane and great quality.

Aircraft (Domestic): Another clear winner to Virgin, nice and modern fleet, while Qantas has very very very outdated aircraft, unreliable, should be retired and having mechanical issues, and not suited to some routes.

Frequent Flyer Program: Clear winner to Qantas at this stage, but when Virgin's completely new ffp is rolled out we will have to judge that again.

Cabin Crew/Staff: Well with virgin you always get that smile and service, and actually feeling like your not just hussling in on another flight, you feel appreciated, and welcomed on-board, while qantas's are sour faces, rude, and don't have that smile that virgin does, and the new virgin uniforms are much better then Qantas in my opinion.

Lounges: Well Qantas is winning at this at this stage, the new Melbourne lounge with DJ is very impressive and beats the standard MEL QF lounge.

So the next year will be very interesting, but virgin will do great, Qantas will just keep going down hill.

I have flown QF with cabin crew and service being exemplary. And then some where staff looked like they didn't want to be working. The worst experience was on flight from SYD to CNS where a male cabin crew threatened a passenger he would march him out for offending him. Thankfully that was before doors had closed, pre-takeoff. I felt really sorry for the pax as he hadn't said anything offensive. I sat two seats away from him.Maybe Qantas should make available to passengers onboard survey forms. Then collect and read them and review their operations and deal with staff appropriately. If only the IFE system had inbuilt online feedback.
One of my flights for August has been changed by about 8 hours but can be routed via SYD and get there at a similar time .Today I rang QF Plat ph line and Ken was brilliant in sorting it all out...Ken went above what I expected.After tickets where reissued rang me to make sure it was correct.Great service but I don't always get it...
The only issue I have with Qantas is lack of IFE in domestic. Virgin have it so why can't their "premium" competitor? I find Qantas lacks in innovation at times. International premium economy is good example as well as IFE in economy. It took way too long to get both.As for comments made re FA I am always amazed how picky we can be. Do they really need to smile and give us hugs? I just want to be served food and water so I don't starve. Let's come back down to earth. They are their to provide us food and safety when needed.
Very similar posts here and probably for a very good reason. I have been a QF FF card holder and flyer since about 1996 and in the elite range for about the last 10 years, and have seen things deteriorate. Similar gripes to above posters - sheesh I thought I was the only one. However this has been going on longer than AJ's management. It's just more common and blatant. FAs not interested. Customer help dedicated to elite card holders have not in my experience being helpful.

I recently had the choice of flying J to LAX and after checking prices, the age and comfort of planes, then prices I added a few points to my VA account.

I believe QF shareholders haven't had a dividend for two years and QF's international share of pax in and out of AU is down to 19%. An accountant is not enough to run an airline and the QF board needs looking at as well. I'm of Irish ancestry and had high hopes. However if AJ walks or is pushed he stands to walk or fly away with millions. Just like the others have.

My biggest problem is after flying a number of airlines and enjoying all of them is which one to join as a FFer but I'm at the stage I don't care. I just want a consistent, safe and pleasant journey. Being welcomed with a g'day just doesn't cut it with me.
I think the crux of the matter here is that many of the staff are feeling much like many of us that fly QF regularly: they are disgruntled because they are witnessing a once great airline being systematically dismantled by a CEO that seems intent on flushing it down the Jetstar toilet. Ask almost anyone that has flown Jetstar and try to get a civil reaction!

As previously mentioned, we have seen degredation of meals, aircraft and routes serviced by QF over the past few years. Add to that the "Exciting changes" made to QC membership recently and we see an emerging pattern of a gradual diminishing of benefiits for FFlyers on QF. Maybe Mr.Joyce thinks we'll get so sick of paying for less and less service on QF that we'll all trudge happily over to the JQ counter because we'll get "better value for money" over there. I think not!

This can also be seen in the ultimate snub Mr.Joyce has delivered to QF FFlyers - giving the new 787's to Jetstar, with QF getting the A330 hand-me-downs from it's LCC cousin. We all know that they are configured for numbers, not comfort - squeeze as many cattle in as you can - they haven't paid much for the flight anyway. And once finished with them, lets see if we can get the poor schmucks over at QF to pay premium prices to fly in the same cabins. You don't have to be Einstein to figure where the allegiance lies - new aircraft, new routes (SYD-PEK) announced just this week - all JQ.

Add to this the fact that Mr.Joyce wants to change the livery - well there's not much point in having a kangaroo on an airline that is largely un-Australian is there? Employ pilots offshore, employ LAME's offshore - maybe it should be the Flying Lion (after all the Tiger didn't work did it) or perhaps the Flying Panda. Can't wait for the "exciting news" to come on 24th August about QF's future.

Dear Mr Joyce, how do we start an internationally based low cost carrier with few benefits for their customers and token national identity? Give you QANTAS and a few more years!
  • Staff
    • Flight Attendants:
      • I think its safe to say, a fair few QF Cabin Crew have been flying for a little too long now. I can't tell you the number of grumpy crew I have had, making me feel unwelcome to be onboard.
      • Can they be a little more friendly? Don't get me wrong, there are some great staff out there. But on my last few flights the FA has been talking on the phone while welcoming guests on board. Unprofessional much.

You havent seen the age of AA Fa's have you ? I surprised they FA's can fly with wheelie walkers :p
I agree with the bitterness some staff do have, which i would blame management on.
Forgot to add that it's easier to be given a free upgrade even on a QF award ticket when flying with a certain partner airline, than it is to offer to throw hard earned points at QF for the same thing and have their noses turned up at the prospect. The last 5/5 award flights on partner airlines have given me a free upgrade.

Are these other airlines aware of how a number of pax feel and after new business, or wanting to make OW pax welcome? My bet is both. And the strategy is working for me at least.
Great service but I don't always get it...

It looks like you're not one of the 15%.

As far as I am concerned Qantas lost the plot long ago. I fly regularly to various places in south-east asia plus a few flights to asia and europe thrown in. I stopped flying QF 3 years ago after a late night PER-CGK flight in J. Flight was full, my seat recline was broken, no eyeshades, no earplugs and the sound for the overhead video was not working so staff decided it would be a good idea to pipe the sound through the cabin speakers. When I emailed to complain I received a "sorry" reply. Compare that to a flight the following month CGK-SIN with Singapore Airlines also in J. Sound system was not working. I wasn't affected as I didn't even use my headset but that didn't stop cabin staff from giving me a USD500 voucher to compensate.

I used to fly SYD-CGK regularly with QF. Now Garuda makes QF look like a LCC. Comparison between QF and GA in J between SYD and CGK:

- Aircraft: GA - New A330; QF - Yes, well.
- Seating: GA - Flat bed AND I can walk from window to aisle without having to be an acrobat; QF - Yes, well.
- Service: GA - Usually very good; QF - Was very variable but can't comment on current service.
- Food: No comparison. GA wins hands down. QF provides seems to think that coffee and a muffin is a suitable breakfast. This is based on advice from a good friend who has now decided to fly GA.
- J Class Fare: GA - Around $2000 QF - More than $5100. If I were going to pay this much I'd fly SQ First Class for $250 more.

Concerns about safety? In 2010 Garuda was given the Skytrax Most Improved Airline award. When a piece of the Qantas A380 engine cowling lands on Batam Island clearly showing the red kangaroo logo Qantas issues a press release that says "there is no evidence that this debri came from one of our aircraft". The arrogance was astounding.

Just to top it off my wife flew QF domestically last week bringing a running stroller for our grandson. It happended to be a conveninet flight. Total weight of checked baggage was 21kg but was still charged excess baggage because she had two pieces. She will be flying VA for the return. I am so pleased that AMEX Plat has changed partners to VA for the annual free flight.

As far as flying with JQ is concerned. After one flight you'd have to pay me to fly with them.
My biggest gripe is a new one: domestic BAGGAGE allowance.

Making the bag limit ONE big bag sucks.

When I travel with my family, we sometimes take 2 kid car seats with us. So now, we only get to check in 2 bags before we get charged excess baggage.

I also like to travel with smaller bags for whatever reason. Oh now 2 x 10kg bags will cost me more than 1 23kg bag. Awesome.

Yep, the new baggage allowance has me looking at other airlines more when I book now. Sure, you pay for the allowance but it's cheap and it's not bag number related. If the flight is cheaper a better deal.

It just seems mean, tight and a new way to squeeze cash from the customer.


That's my only major issue.

Minor issues:

YES I AGREE with the poster who said can we please exclude Jetstar flights from QF searches. I want to fly QF not Jetstar, which is why I am on the QF site. I mean, really!

I also couldn't care less about small talk. Actually, I could. I'm anti-social, and I want to get on the plane and get where we are going without talking about it.....

What I do expect though, when I fly J, is consistent service. I want staff to make sure that I have everything I need. If it's drinking time, I want my glass full. I really hate being on a flight for a few hours and seeing no cabin staff.

On some flights, the staff are awesome. On others, sorry are there any staff on this flight? Same flight number, different day, different staff, different attitude!

In Y I don't expect this. I'm paying less so I expect less. Give me a coffee and see you later, fine.

And how come the Hobart airport just had an upgrade and we still have the same tiny Qantas Club with no showers and a tiny toilet that you can hardly fit two people in? Why is it still outside security!?

There's no showers at the Hobart airport! It's annoying, esp as this is the city where often am leaving not-so-fresh from bushwalking..... hot towel anyone?

And can we please, please, please have real coffee served in the QP just a bit later in the day? That other stuff ew.
Red is my reply.

It seems that we are all arguing over a couple of things. Lets put a versus round on Qantas and Virgin Australia.

Business Class Seating (Domestic): Virgin clearly wins this, by wider seats, greater seat pitch, much newer and better leather seats. A330 and the Int Config Transcon 747, debatable. On the Golden triangle (SYD, MEL, BNE), some of QF's 737's and 767's are really staring to show their age, even l would say. QF does have a few new 737's too, with AVOD in each seat.

In-Flight Entertainment (Domestic): I'd have to give this to Qantas at the moment, the live2air is a bit of a downfall, but there is 2 sides, with virgin you get your own personal tv, and Qantas there are old projector screens and ones on the ceiling, but with the software and other factors, ill give this to qQantas, but when virgin's new ife is announced, i can assure you, virgin will be the winner. See above post.

Food (Domestic): No argument here, Virgin takes this out. While Qantas food is outdated and frozen, maggots have been found in them, rats on the plane, out of date stuff, while virgin is fresh, made on the plane and great quality. QF food is free, even on the cheapest ticket. However, a packet of nibbles/muffin/biscuit/fruit isn't a 'meal'. I did get a 'semi frozen' sandwich on a Qantas-Link flight once, pressed the call button and got a fresh one. The above examples you mention could happen anywhere/anytime/any company.

Aircraft (Domestic): Another clear winner to Virgin, nice and modern fleet, while Qantas has very very very outdated aircraft, unreliable, should be retired and having mechanical issues, and not suited to some routes. Debatable on which routes. See first point.

Frequent Flyer Program: Clear winner to Qantas at this stage, but when Virgin's completely new ffp is rolled out we will have to judge that again. QF, OW alliance. Suits me, why would l change? If VA join Star of Sky Team, that might sway me. But, l did ask 'Crazy Dave' previously and he said that VA were trying to build their own 'partners' and wouldn't be joining an alliance.

Cabin Crew/Staff: Well with virgin you always get that smile and service, and actually feeling like your not just hussling in on another flight, you feel appreciated, and welcomed on-board, while qantas's are sour faces, rude, and don't have that smile that virgin does, and the new virgin uniforms are much better then Qantas in my opinion. aff. Staff 'hot and cold'. Overall, l haven't had a nasty QF staff member. I have heard a few stories first hand though.

Lounges: Well Qantas is winning at this at this stage, the new Melbourne lounge with DJ is very impressive and beats the standard MEL QF lounge. QF, 2 DOM lounge offerings and CL lounges, and more of them.

So the next year will be very interesting, but virgin will do great, Qantas will just keep going down hill. Yes, the waiting game continues. I am even thinking of letting my QF membership slide off completely (about 3-4 years worth) and go from there...
Staff manning premium areas (check-in, lounge reception) should presume every passenger who approaches to be a premium passenger - at the moment they look suspicious and arrogant until they see your card.
*Even if you pass the test, if they don't like what you look like they suddenly become timid and sullen - doing whatever it is they have to without speaking...

I'd second that, and add that it bugs me considerably that when I show my card to get into the lounge in CBR, they almost always suspiciously demand "where's your boarding pass?" - as if the lounge is so fabulous and I have so much free time that I just want to hang out there when I'm not flying!

When Qantas sent me my last three cards, each time the pack said (I'm paraphrasing) no matter how you check in, your FF card is now your boarding pass.

I'm fine if they want to scan it to check that I've checked in, but these suspicious demands are downright rude. I'm a customer - and you told me I didn't need a printed boarding pass!
JS complicit? Is that harsh? I recall when he was at the helm the staff would always go the extra mile for him. I notice two directors have a Rio background. Goodmanson at least seems to have relevant experience.

These reads are interesting. I have for some time been questioning the benefit of my QC Life, now overshadowed by other lounges & also the dubious benefits of accumulating FF points. I fund my own travel, so generally have a choice of Y seats! Seems that management consider me to be in the 75% of the great unwashed.
I am now questioning my own sanity in sticking with QF.
I travel Europe-Oz-Europe usually once each year, often more frequently (but not enough to get top status). Are Virgin, Asiana, Etihad or Emirates reasonable alternatives (not prepared to go BA, AA , Malaysian or Aeroflot!)? Do they offer reasonable FF schemes? I did fly Emirates once in a brand spanking new 380, which was pretty nice. The crew, meals and service were not really any different to QF (they have sour FAs too), but transiting through Dubai was better that the Changi bun fight.
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