Those $1000 transpacific return fares are few and far between - I did two of them (DFW) this year but was proactive when they came available, moving very fast. Also it meant had a couple of grand tied up for ~10 months. At the moment you can get away with $1300, but that's six months away for the travel.
However, you forget the ancillary costs - getting to the airport is one; any accommodation must be considered as well.
Also, you don't get generally those "$850 fares" out of LAX/DFW so there's further positioning costs to be introduced.
The $1000 fares I was talking about were ex US but other than that, you raise very valid points. I guess I dont consider the accommodation or repositioning costs because I dont incur them in the same way it appears others do. If im in any given city, I incur the costs because I need to be there, and not because I want to be there for the sake of a mileage run. So strictly speaking, I think WP can be had for 3K, but taking other associated costs into account, its more in line with what you suggest.