To make things even stranger I came across an add for Woolworths Rewards on my mobile phone last night. It claimed that any member could apply for a 4 week offer starting this week of 10,000 points for an $80 spend each week in one transaction for 4 weeks. There was a space on the add where anyone could enter their 13 digit Woolworths Rewards number in order to apply for the offer.
I don't know what to make of it all, which is strange for me.
Good, I'm not the only one. Saw it on banner ads (google display ad network on last night). The thing that seemed odd to me was they only asked for the "last 4 numbers of your card" which seemed non-legit - but, it's probably targeted me using a tracking cookie, as I have logged on to both of my accounts from this machine. I put in the last 4 digits of my number and then it asks me for the entire 13 digit number. After that it activated.
It worked for Mrs Excel but when I tried to do it on my account, "
Hi Rewards member, unfortunately this offer is not available on your Woolworths Rewards card"
I have checked the URL and it can't be spoofed - it's in the format of<random hexadecimal key> and removing the key disables the offer.
We use these ads quite a bit at work and they're usually based on prior web traffic, or grabbing hold of your google advertising ID and retargeting you elsewhere with the ads. I'd recommend logging in to the account on whatever your regular PC is and then looking for the ad when you're on the internet - ensuring ad blockers are off of course
Edit: I might point out this is identical to an offer
mrs excel received in a targeted email and I'm unsure if I had previously activated it. The UOID (5 digit number) that the email link resolves to doesn't share info in common with the hexadecimal from the google display ad, though that might be hashed for security reasons.
Edit 2: Check
my inbox to find a 4x$80 for 10k offer as well! This account should already have had a 4x$40, 6k offer activated and there's no way we will spend $160 across two accounts - I think WoW might genuinely have some overlapping deals going on.... I'm not sure whether to be shocked or excited
Edit 3: Have confirmed others who see the ad end up at the same UOID link on the WWR website, but it doesn't seem to work on accounts it hasn't been targeted to. If it is a remarketing of the originally emailed offer, I might end up with another display ad for the offer in edit #2. Will keep you posted
Edit 4: Sure enough:

This is identical to the 4x one I received by email
last week. Too coincidental to be a separate promotion.