Also here:Monday this week I was in the DJ Lounge in SYD when I heard a bloke speaking with a French accent on his phone, pacing up and down furiously. Meanwhile his laid-back companion sat in a lounge chair and made his calls "G'day mate, Pete Evans here." Worked out they were the two chefs from My Kitchen Rules. The Frenchman was on the dance show too apparently. Anyway it sounded like they were flying around the country preparing a new series. Both rather tall guys. Not what I expected.
Some dude in there (we were in the quiet part of the lounge) piped up with "The missus is a huge fan, can I get a photo of youse guys?" to which they agreed. Then he added he was a fan too.
Manu Feildel seen lying on the floor of night spot simulating oral sex on fellow TV chef George Calombaris |