Yes, l did about 4 years of FIFO ex-PER (and SYD), 2 of which were 'construction' (4/1 roster). 7 days off just isn't enough. Having said that, on most 4/1 rosters, you would earn a bonus on top of your salary which works out at ~$150 per week. Nice little bonus when you finish. But not all companies pay, so read your contract.
As said here already, not all sites fly QF/Virgin or National Jet (Cobham), which earn points. Nothing worse than flying from '
xzy' and not earning anything...

Happened to me for a very long time...
Can't speak for the little resource companies, but the big ones like BHP/Rio/FMG, usually have travel department/staff on site and if something happens at home (emergency), they pull out all stops and get you home ASAP (Cost of flight doesn't come into the equation as they have a separate booking system). Also, the higher up you are, they will fly you from anywhere to work for them. 'Some' staff fly from East Coast or even asia (Singapore), fly J to PER.
Have flown on all carriers (National Jet, Skippers, Network, Maroomba, can't remember the rest...)
2 flights that stand out.
1 - Flying from Perth to Tanami Gold. Took forever on a small ~6 seater. Had to refuel in Newman and go another few hours. No onboard amenities on that flight (
nothing but a 'lunch pack')...On the return went from Tanami to Broome and then back to PER with QF. Did go over the 'bungle bungle' region so it was a free sight-seeing tour. Very nice scenery.
2 - From Broom to coughatoo Island, the scenery was spectacular and the landing, well, was different.
After all the FIFO l did, l came to a few conclusions;
- Family time is something that money can't buy. The % of divorced/broken (or about to be) relationships l have seen on site was higher than the national average.
- Keeping a relationship going is hard. Do FIFO while young, or about to retire. Not in the middle of your life as there are more important things to see/do in the world than looking at red dirt.
- If you can, get as short roaster as possible (salary/circumstance permitting). If you are single, go for the 4 (or 5 or 6) week rosters, you bank account will like it. Nothing better than getting home and your bank account is some 10k+ higher
- Try to work for a company which uses QF or VA or earns points/SC's - (easier said than done)
- Next time you see someone in the lounge wearing high-viz, they might not have seen their family for over a month and worked their guts out for 4 or so weeks, give 'em a break...(I've also seen 'suits' behave worse than FIFO workers, so it goes both ways)
- FIFO isn't the, 'be all/end all'. Some people just won't like it or can't do it. I've actually seen people land on site, freak out, and head back to PER the same/next day
- You meet some pretty good people, and Class A A$$holes too.
- Have an exit plan
Hope that helps.
(Disclaimer - I worked on a site with
Reggie a very long time ago
