Curious - as someone who has used flyahead probably 120 times in the last 2 years (don't ask!), but has never once tried it with checked bags (I travel light): how does it work? A few of you said it's no problem having check baggage... what is the process?
1. Turn up at check-in counter (rather than lounge) with bags, get them to change your flight (I heard they don't generally do this at the counter - the T&Cs certainly specify lounge-only)?
2. Check in bags for your normal flight, then go to the lounge and move flights (and they... what... ring down to baggage handling and get them to re-route the bag)?
3. Pop into the lounge first, with your bags, get your flight changed, THEN go to bag drop (would work in MEL, or in SYD via premium entrance if they're not busy and the premium entrance staff are willing to do your flight change rather than punting you to the service desk)?
I might need to do it next week, is the only reason I'm asking.

1. Turn up at check-in counter (rather than lounge) with bags, get them to change your flight (I heard they don't generally do this at the counter - the T&Cs certainly specify lounge-only)? YES
Most of my fly aheads are via the Checkins - 100s over the last few years. Only time I would checkin at the lounge would be via Sydney using the Priority entry with no bags. I can't express enough that I have never had any issues ever, I have never been told "Sir as you have bags we can't normally do this" Or "Sir you should normally do this via the lounge" I turn up at the checkin counter mostly Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney and Hobart. Bags or no bags and get on the next flight unless booked out (very rare but does happen between 4pm-6pm from Sydney to Brisbane)