The Arbob Cultural Palace is the former headquarters of a Soviet collective farm, built in the 1950s and modelled on the winter gardens of Peterhof, St Petersburg. The centre was built in the 1950s under the leadership of Urukhojaev, the head of the collective farm. He was a significant Tajik who sat on Soviet committees and was well known in the area around Khujand and in Tajikistan generally.
The main building consists of three wings, with an ornate theatre seating 800 people in the main wing. One of the side wings has a museum that tells the history of Arbob and of collectivisation and the soviet empire in Tajikistan.

The main square with a mosque complex on one side and the Panchshanbe Bazaar, reputedly the largest in Central Asia, on the other.

The Historical Museum of Sughd Province has a particularly fine set of modern marble mosaics depicting the life of Alexander the Great.

Our hotel was on the Syr-Darya River and it was pleasant dining on the terrace.
Next morning, we continued NE to cross back into Uzbekistan.
And that is an appropriate place to pause, as tomorrow I'm shooting through to the Southern Ocean for two weeks:
The Galapagos of the Southern Ocean