Went to see my doctor today to get a refill of my blood pressure medication and had a heart to heart with her about teeth pain (after talking about African safaris and showing her Ms FM's wedding photos - I love my GP
I thought this was interesting enouh to share here. My teeth have been driving me bonkers. I think I mentioned earlier that my root canal wasn't totally successful and I have been contemplating pulling it out and getting an implant. A lower tooth has been giving me issues over the last few months and I made my dentist pull the filling out and redo it even though he said he didn't believe there was any issue. Tooth was great for awhile, but has been giving me issues again - dull ache with occasional flashes of pain. OK today, but the upper tooth where the root canal was done quite achy.
Anyway she said it sounded like trigeminal neuralgia to her and suggested I go off and read up on it, which I have now done and it really feels like an Eureka moment. You can get pre- Trigeminal neuralgia and it can be triggered by dental treatment damaging a peripheral nerve. In fact an injection can be enough to damage a peripheral nerve if you are unlucky. So not much that can be done about it and the various aches are not enough to warrant drug use with side effects, but it does feel great knowing what might be happening and I don't need to keep hassling my dentist to fix things! Hopefully it will never move to full blown Trigeminal Neuralgia which sounds much more painful. My doctor did suggest acupuncture might be useful as well.