That's odd therealTMA.
Wondering if you got to s phish looks very real website.
Never seen that one before.
Went for an annual blood test, 5 vials in Jun this year.
Then, Sep or early Oct, doc says, oooo, Mr Pooch, you have very high TSH, better have you set up for thyroid ultrasound, (fully bulkbilled), so there I meekly went to get thyroid ultrasound, of course, this one is just the cold gel and the lab attendant does the hand held scanner over neck, lah lah lah I thought, this is the easiest...
Then when the doc saw me next, he says, I am going to set you up to see an endocrinologist.
Then to Dr Google I went, oops, biopsy.
And of course, as I am not of pension age, they need a co payment.