My appointment today was generally good but a little bit mixed.
Doc was very happy with my blood test results, but unhappy with the blotches.
These blotches were one of the first symptoms I had (if indeed they are a symptom of the leukaemia) and I had blotches for a couple of years before bad blood work. So I was worried, and he is too, that the blotches are maybe a leading indicator of the leukaemia. Plus they burn, which is unpleasant although not terribly painful as such, and they look revolting (which I know is vain).
The other possibility is a separate platelet issue. In the initial testing for the leukaemia, there were some odd platelet results, potentially suggesitve of Bernard Soulier syndrome. I had forgotten about that, as at the time he said let's treat the leukaemia and worry about the rest later. So he has ordered another specialised platelet aggregation test which will be done in a couple of weeks when I can get the appointment.
He was also not fully happy with my continuing right rib pain - which had previously been suspected to be related to enlarged liver in turn related to the leukaemia. He thinks it should be gone now, but instead it's actually getting worse. Hurts when I lie down. Initially only on a hard surface, like doing sit ups at the gym, but now it hurts whatever I lie on, including bed. Also now also hurts when I lie on my sides not just on my back, and even when I sit in a chair that has a firm back rest. Weirdly, it does not hurt much if at all when pressed or massaged, and rarely hurts with movement. So he has ordered a PET scan, a CT scan and said if that show nothing he will potentially do a bone marrow biopsy

(). My bone marrow biopsy for the leukaemia did show invasion of bony trebeculae by defective cells. I have to get the scans done and will see him again on 8 April for review and maybe the bone marrow biopsy.
On the plus side, after many years of medical gaslighting, this doctor takes my issues seriously and investigates thoroughly. I'm hoping it's nothing serious although I actually do want to find out what is causing the rib pain and the blotches as both are irritating and the ribs are painful.