Collected the results of next round of blood tests before Rheumatologist second appointment in a couple of weeks. I get the results from the GP before I see the specialist or email her if no visit booked for next couple of weeks. That way she can respond when it suits her to do so. I trust her judgement completely.
With all things auto immune there has to be two tests as sometimes these things can occur during acute illness etc. and then disappear. The specialist was prepared to call it first time as it was so long after the DVT that if it was positive then, then it wasn't transitory.
Second test came back even stronger than the first. So not sure what that means. I thought with Plaquenil (quietens the immune system) that it might have improved. I had to go off the anticoags before having both tests so as to get a clear result.
I couldn't see my normal GP whom I am 'educating' but another one. I had actually brought in a (second) box of chocolates to thank him for picking up - dare I say, by accident

the jugular vein DVT. But his thoroughness did ensure all bases were covered.
The GP I saw today said next time I should get the lab tests in the specialist name so she got the results and I didn't have to have them printed to take them to her. I didn't bother to explain. After a bit of faffing around with some Docs I take things under my own advisement

Am presuming the anticoags will remain in place. Plus lupus meds. Maybe they might change to further calm the immune system. Maybe methotrexate
My niece who is 29 with lupus now sees my specialist. By chance we are both seeing her on the same day. Her Bell's palsy has returned - she is a lecturer and her face is affected. She is already on methotrexate as she has been on Plaquenil and steroi_s for over 8 years and it isn't controlling it properly. Thankfully she doesn't have the associated blood clotting disorder. Reckon these things are hereditary much?