Trouble with talking about bias is that there's as many people here that (seemingly) are infatuated with Qantas and can see them doing no wrong
Oh yeah.
As someone who has been professionally involved in market research, questionnaire writing and the likes for over 15 years now, I must agree that this is a classic example of how you can influence the outcome of your survey by not offering a full set of choices (just that the pros distort in even smarter and less obvious ways). With little tricks like that, you can basically get any outcome you want which is what PR agencies and the likes tend to do when they put so-called "opinion polls" into the public.
Well I am obviously not an expert Pollster as some have noticed here and used that as a reason to attack me. The purpose of my poll is not to uncover instances of PB failing, there is already a massive thread for that and it is obvious it doesn't work most of the time. I simply wanted to find out roughly how many people complain and how often, as I stated, I have never done so before, but I will from now on.
Maybe I should create a new thread, taking a poll about what I should poll in this thread?
This is another example of people rabiting on about nothing and going off topic. The OP is CLEARLY aimed only at people who have had a bad experience re PB. It was not meant to be a poll on how well Qantas operates in general when it comes to PB. It's specifically about whether or not people are "complaining" and is therefore aimed at those who do have an issue. Can we get back to the topic please?
Good to see someone on here with reason. Problem with any thread aimed at Qantas on here, if there is a potential to show them in a bad light you get the usual shills coming in to disrupt the topic, take it off course and attack other posters, happens every time. LOL.
I have seen PB abused on a majority of my trips although I should point out I don't fly as much as others. I voted "I haven't and probably never will" but only because I find it is a waste of energy, not particularly with Qantas but any large organisation. I will get more grey hairs confronting people than just putting up with it. I do solute those of you who do make the effort to complain in order to bring change. Well done.
I think many people fall into your category, myself included until now, I would sometimes just watch the mayhem as it unfolds and laugh or shake my head, I still do that but the more I think about it, the more I realize they are failing to provide an advertised service. And the reason they don't really care or bother to enforce it is because most people won't bother saying anything about it.
However, the poll as it stands will actually make qantas look good since 4 of the responses support qantas' slow and indifferent action about priority boarding.
The poll is not intended to make them look good or bad, however the Qantas puppets believe every thread about Qantas is a PR exercise. If PB works for you as well, and you complained, thanks for your information, that is all I was looking for, not a Qantas PR war.